How to tank a Drifter BS?

OK, I got my fist contact with a Drifter BS today in my - “what I thought of a perfect passive tank Rattlesnake” (see below)


Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay

Pithum A-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Pithum A-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Pithum A-Type Thermal Dissipation Amplifier
Pithum A-Type Thermal Dissipation Amplifier
Pithum A-Type Kinetic Deflection Amplifier
Pithum A-Type Explosive Deflection Amplifier
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender

Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Drone Link Augmentor II

Large Core Defense Field Purger II
Large Core Defense Field Purger II
Large Core Defense Field Purger II

Minimum Shield Resistance: 79,06%
Shield Capacity: 19.956,25
Shield Recharge Time (sec.): 125,99
Shield Booster Amount / Sec: 0,00

Shield Recharge Amount / Sec (avg).: 158,40
Shield Recharge Amount / Sec (max).: 395,99

Shield Effective HP: 95.302,05
Maximum Possible Damage/Sec. Tanking: 1.891,07

However, the contact was horrendously bad in my favor :joy:

Now Im wonder how much damage such a BS make, because I was dead in no time. I heard before, they would drop a DoomDay once their shield are down and in my
"greeness" I thought… “how much can that be, I can f*cking tank a whole lvl 4 mission at once”

But 2 of the sleeper BS and I went down as against a CONCORD ship

Victim: Rayaghuma
Damage Taken: 72288 (which is really weird, because it seem to ignore all resists)

Name: Apollo Tyrannos (laid the final blow)
Ship: Drifter Battleship
Weapon: Lux Kontos
Damage Done: 43979
Name: Praedormitan Missile / Unknown
Damage Done: 16679

Name: Artemis Tyrannos
Ship: Drifter Battleship
Weapon: Lux Kontos
Damage Done: 11630

Do they make a damage type that isnt covered by any resist? My shield alone should have taken that with ease?

Are resists useless in the fights with these BSs?

Their DD does about 400k omni damage, 100k each damage type. Nothing in the subcap range can survive, unless it’s a blinged maraude. Even then, the marauder may not survive.

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Not true.

A deadspace fit Bustard can tank it overheated.
Just not sure why you would want to.


I believe the Doomsday delivers 750,000hp of damage, split equally amongst the 4 damage types.

It can be evaded with enough traversal velocity and a small enough signature radius and it can be tanked.

That guy made a lot of isk doing it.


187500 damage in each type.

Sniping them was patched out as well.

I moved to using a POS to kill them by baiting them to it.
They came back and reinforced the tower when I was logged out.

Not sure where things have gone with them I haven’t battled them for a while.

Might test that out one day when I can fly one of those.

So what Im still wondering:

My ship has Damage Taken: 72.288, which is exactly all the damage done by the Drifter BSs in the killmail.
But the eHp of my ship was around 143.000, with shields, armor and hull and all resistances applied.

Anyone knows why there is a difference in these numbers? Isnt the final blow added to all the Damage Done? Or are resistances useless at all or debuffed at in any way by the Drifters and I didnt notice?

Or is the Damage Taken: 72.288 the damage after the resistance calculation, means it is the damage made after all the resistance mitigation?

The damage taken in a lossmail is based off the ship’s current raw HP, it does not take the resists into account as EHP

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It does take into account repped hps as it is still considered raw damage.

I’ve just seen that the Drifter BS get an insane speed of 3500m/s.
WTF is wrong with CCP to put in such BSs, with insane speed and damage. If you like to create some “Boss NPCs” use Dreadnoughts or Titans and Carriers, but BS size hulls with insane stats does not feel right (not even CONCORD feels right with their stats in their small ship)

Cant you just use bigger ships to justify the stats?

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capsuleer ships are balanced. Drifters are not. missions rats are not. fob defenses are not.

Sometimes, there are things you can’t deal with. Drifters are one of them. They will kick you in the balls up to your granmother.

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I thought someone found you can sacrifice a ship to take the hit and then kill it with a cruiser.

DaOpa did it in a paladin

This doesn’t work anymore, CCP buffed drifters to make that not happen anymore.


I’m still wondering what CCP thought they were doing with Drifters. No one screws with them, they are just wasted development time.


There are a couple of groups that go into the Drifter home wormholes to hunt them. ARC (channel “Consortium Operations”) and SERAPH

Pretty much, just like

  • NPC Mining Teams
  • Pirate Forward Operating Bases
  • Resource Wars

CCP gives us the PvE they want to make (AI looks good on your CV I guess) but not the PvE we want to engage with.


I think your next BS to try with is Marshal…

Do you have some source for this? As far as I am aware the capsuleer found vulnerability of a small and fast ship as a target against the Drifters superweapon should still hold true.

Talking about the posted video (ie long ranged missile boat whittling away at a single K Space Drifter BS). It’s been a while since I was on SiSi but some tweaking that was done had me webbed and disrupted 200+ k from the Drifter.

When I’m able this weekend I’ll give it another go in something small (for the sake of space science). That being said, there is a reason most PVE guys and communities I know and interact with don’t screw with these things at all

Yes that method no longer works you are correct.

You can still tank the DD with very expensive setup’s, and you can out track the DD if you are small enough and fast enough (your mileage may vary with this there is a fair amount of RNG going on).

The second method is how ARC fleets engage the Drifters.