Rattlesnake Passive Tank Fit for Incursions


I got a pretty undestructable RS Tank Fit, when it comes to normal Lvl 4 missions (never goes below 80% shield, even when pulling the whole aggro):

(Its a “Money plays no role”-Fit, Im playing since a while, but only here and then and Im still unexperienced)

[Rattlesnake, Reign of Destruction - 01.10.2017, 887dps, 146.807ehp, 466hp/s shield recharge]
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay

Pithum A-Type Explosive Deflection Amplifier
Pithum A-Type Thermal Dissipation Amplifier
Pithum A-Type Kinetic Deflection Amplifier
Pithum A-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Pithum A-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender

Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Drone Link Augmentor II

Large Core Defense Field Purger II
Large Core Defense Field Purger II
Large Core Defense Field Purger II

Caldari Navy Hornet x5
Gecko x2
Caldari Navy Vespa x5

Scourge Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I x3675
Caldari Navy Scourge Cruise Missile x4675
Nanite Repair Paste x840

Now Im trying to solo Incursion Sites and this Fit is also proven in Scout Sites so far, but still taking a lot for damage per volley from some Sansha Cruisers (1205 per hit). Currently - for the beginning - trying on sites w/o any debuffing effect.

Now Im trying to get a clue, what damage type hits me. All I know so far, it wasnt Thermal damage (myfirst guess, due to the fact its my lowest resist (72%) and the color of the beams), because a change in the Rigs to a better Thermal resistance took no effect…

My next guess is Explosive, but Im quite not sure and it would only bring up the question: "What the f… does this vessel (Sansha) makes pure damage when it hits a 1205 volley against 83% resist?"
And before I change anything again, for the loss of a lot money, that take no effect, I thought it is better to ask here.

Maybe Im also not being aware of any other “Incursion damage facts”? Someone might enlighten me?

First up the disclaimer, I have not run Incursions in several years, most of what I knew is either lost to the mists of time or likely to be out of synch with the current Incursion theories and fleets.

Looked at my old Incursion fits and they were all omni tanked which leads me to believe that Incursions damage output was more oriented towards omni than anyone specific damage type. No the fits have not changed with the game because I store them out of game in a spreadsheet so I still have access to them even if modules are changed or removed.

Incursions are Sanshas forces so that would indicate EM and thermal in relatively equal amounts. Yet your tank changed very little when you tried to increase your thermal resists so that tends to support the omni damage theory. If you are in a mood to experiment I suggest using your mid slots to experiment and change up your hardener combination and see what works best.

Currently changed to this fit and it works quite well.

[Rattlesnake, Reign of Destruction]
Brokara’s Modified Power Diagnostic System ***
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay
Caldari Navy Shield Power Relay

Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field ***
Pithum A-Type Explosive Deflection Amplifier
Pithum A-Type Thermal Dissipation Amplifier
Pithum A-Type Kinetic Deflection Amplifier
Pithum A-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Pithum A-Type EM Ward Amplifier
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender

Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
Drone Link Augmentor II

Large Core Defense Field Purger II
Large Core Defense Field Purger II
Large Core Defense Field Purger II

(*** changes made)

Gecko x2
Caldari Navy Vespa x5
Salvage Drone I x5

Scourge Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I x3110
Caldari Navy Scourge Cruise Missile x8088
Nanite Repair Paste x817

It has better resists (all over 80% with active Invul Field, but its not a pure passive tank anymore - but still its an upgrade, reduces 1269 damage taken down to 752 in one alpha. And even w/o any energy it got a good passiv tanking ability

For a few more billions (13b, hey what costs the world?), it could be a lil bit better and I’ll probably invest it at some time, but for now, I think it is the best fit I can get for my money.

I think minimum amount of players need to be present in site to obtain payout was more than one in past that might got changed,not sure.

Turret marauders are preferable solo boats due to ability to ignore jams your rattle will get perma jams cruise mkssiles won’t do anything of note to any of Sasha ships your drones will not be able to clear tackle efficiently or at all you need designated ship to drop ore in certain sites slow boat rattle will get you old.

You need hacker ship to disable logistic tower in certain sites to stop it providing reps to enemy fleet,you need strong anti cap warfare in that same site.

Good luck if I were you I’d find something else to pit that rattle against or go proper boxing fleet or even…maybe…chances are small but…find other people to run them with. Sasha do em / term with guns and they lob kin explo at you via missiles.

Well, I know that Im unable to do more than the Scout sites solo. The cooperation of the Sanshas is hard to break alone, but Scout sites are pretty easy now.

Payout is given, but doesnt even compensate the loss of missiles. Even my ship is way overpriced for any job in highsec, but that doesnt matter. My concern is, if I can create an unbreakable tank for anything that comes along in highsec.

Lvl 4 missions are boring (always the same stuff since years) and I thought it could be fun and challenging to make incursions. But thats even more boring due to the fact that there are also very limited scenarios and the AI is not even close to be challenging.

I would go to low or 0 sec, but I got like no experience there and all the griefers would definitely kill any ship, no matter how good it tanks - so that is not an option to try with a “several billion cost, easy to kill in PvP” boat.

Lol just buy a Vindicator with The Valhalla Project fitting for HQ’s and fly with them, you do much more ISK than scout sites you average 180-300mil/h usually

PS: for the fit visit the ‘The Valhalla Project’ website
Edit: and it’s about the same, maybe a bit more starting ISK

Also the damage that Hits you is omnidamage

All PvE in EvE will get boring in a very short period of time, I suggest rotating between the various option standard missions, burner missions bother frigate and cruiser, Incursions and scanning for and running sites.

It is not somewhere you want to take an expensive ship but running sleeper sites in low level worm holes C1 and C2 can add a little spice. If low sec bothers you worm holes may be a little out there since you do not even have a local chat in worm holes so unless you are constantly on D-Scan you will never know someone else is there until they attack you.

Low sec is not all that bad to be in. Most systems are empty, with a close eye on D-Scan and local it is remarkably safe place to be. Suggest you use cheap ships an a clone with no implants to start your low sec journeys, simply go there and travel around between systems and travel to the objects within the systems as a way of getting comfortable with low sec and learning D-Scan techniques and learning to keep a watchful eye on local. Yes in low sec local will always be the first indicator you have that someone else is in system with you, even the pilot of a cloaked ship will show up in local.

  1. A Rattlesnake is not really a good option for Incursions, They have too much damage travel time and with thinks dying every few second I doubt you would do any DPS at all. (you move a lot in Incs so sentries are a no go)
  2. Your Fit is all Tank and no Gank, Incursions are normally the opposite, with T2 logi and OK resistances you barely need any buffer (Most ships are 2-3 Tank modules and maybe 1-2 rigs), back in the legion blitz fleet days we have Legions with EHP as low as 35K running vanguards and I have seem many Battleships with sub 100k running HQs.
  3. Cap stability is not really an issue, the sites with heavy nuets will have remote Cap for primary targets. As long as you can move and run your guns you are fine.

Either get a Nightmare, Vindi , Mach or T2 Logi and join a community (Dont make your own until you know what you are doing Incursions are pretty nasty and make Lvl4s look like nothing at all, even high end WH content cant really compete)

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