HS Fleet Escort

Funny DMC has made the case otherwise elsewhere. And youce made noises at me to suggest you agree.

Are you saying laziness and stupidity are NOT the major reasons for a target losing his ship and most likely pod in a gank?

People lose their ships all the time, for various reasons.
Some just dont care (like CODE).

Are CODE morons or lazy for losing their ships?

I would say inattention would be the number one reason.

Inattention doesn’t require a person to be lazy or an idiot, but at the same time it doesn’t preclude these conditions either.

Inattention is usually caused by distraction or complacence.

If you spill something it’s definitely a distraction that probably requires immediate attention. Bad timing of the spill could get your ships 'sploded. Laziness need not be involved - ■■■■ happens, right?
OTOH, losing your ships because you find mining boring and would rather be doing something else (so you do) that could be down the laziness road.

Complacency is part of human nature. You get really good with something, and you start to find more efficient ways to do that something, whether you are thinking about it or just doing it on instinct. Usually this increased perceived efficiency comes at a cost to something else.
Complacency can be related to laziness, but it’s the reason why refresher training exists in many institutions. Sometimes you need to review the basics to remember why your D-Scan intervals need to be tightened.

These of course don’t only apply to just mining. While I find mining soothing, I find hauling to be a chore…
I have to be extra vigilant when doing this - especially if it’s multiple stops - because it bores me to tears.

But that’s the price to pay for finding good deals on small amounts of parts. /shrug

–Gadget fights complacency

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