When you call up the information on a member of a corporation (from the list of members), if you’re a director or the CEO, you can edit the information to give a title to the member.
Some time ago was looking for a way to colour code members so that when I’m looking at the member list I can quickly identify Probationers, Journeymen, Veterans and Seniors.
Long story cut short, after some digging around, I went through the colours within the game, copied off the HTML formatting, and then made a list. To save others from the hassle of having to do this, here’s my colour list complete with the opening HTML you need to insert into text (if you want to kill it you need to insert the same HTML with a / just after the first < mark)
White: <color=“#ffffffff”>Your text
Light Grey: <color=“#ffb2b2b2”>Your text
Dark Grey: <color=“#ff4c4c4c”>Your text
Black: <color=“#ff000000”>Your text
Yellow: <color=“#ffffff00”>Your text
Green: <color=“#ff00ff00”>Your text
Red: <color=“#ffff0000”>Your text
Royal Blue: <color=“#ff0000ff”>Your text
Dark Yellow: <color=“#ff7f7f00”>Your text
Dark Green: <color=“#ff007f00”>Your text
Dark Red: <color=“#ff7f0000”>Your text
Dark Blue: <color=“#ff00007f”>Your text
Dark Pink: <color=“#ff7f007f”>Your text
Cyan: <color=“#ff00ffff”>Your text
Pink: <color=“#ffff00ff”>Your text
Blue: <color=“#ff007fff”>Your text