Hyper Relay Net, what is it? Another confusing feature? Whos making the decisions?

You’d have thought that I would have thought of that first. :smiling_imp:

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Which is more painful, lego landmines or UK plug landmines?

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Aussie/NZ plug landmines. (thinner prongs)


Hmm good call, Id say plug.

However, specifically the worst landmine was a D4 supplied in Games Workshop’s 1983/4 boxed edition of Call of Cthulhu. That thing could easily pierce living flesh.

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I dunno, Aussie/NZ plugs tend to lie with the prongs towards the floor, UK plugs on the other hand are basically caltrops.


Always found those weird. Someone just had a fixation with Platonic solids.

Back once again for the renegade master, D4 damage, with the ill behavior.

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Showing your age there Ramona.

Wild Child I believe, not Fat Boy Slim who simply remixed it.

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HerpesNet is new way of making money for CCP by introduction of gambling that is fueled by PLEX sales and greed.

If you dont like it, they can turn it off for you. :angel:

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Close your eyes and it goes away

It is a bit more complex

You can submit a ticket (click here or hit F12 in-game and click “Go to Help Center”) and under the Game Play Support → Game Play → General Questions category request in the Description field that the HyperNet is deactivated in your client. You will have to replicate this process for each one of your accounts.

Nothing quite matches that digusting squishy feeling of treading on a mouse’s gall-bladder in your bare feet first thing in the morning…

P.S. Only cat-owners will know this particular delight…


I know this feeling well, birds, mice, shrews, voles; all are playthings to my furry copilot.

She has also been eyeing up my housemates puppies as potential toys, their mum is a bit protective though and sounds off if she spots the cat.

Cannibal Kane was my main before i sold it in 2015.

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