buyer dropped out, char still for sale.
chumpdabump + increase in skillpoints
Shower me with isk and I can be yours
stomp crump kabump
Still for sale and just realised she had another remap available, updated original post.
bump, price reduced to 3 Billion B/O
Price dropped to 2.5 billion B/O
b u m p
b u m p
b u m p y
2.5b accepted?
yes send isk and transfer details
You can send it to me or Zippy, just let me know and I will initiate transfer immediately, Thank you
ISK transfered and ingame mail sent to Xue Suk Sman
I have initiated the transfer, have fun with her and thank you.
EVE Character transfer
Payment Method
Account Information
EVE Character transfer
character received. thank you~
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