I think 1st Oct patch is great and has one big highlight

CCP is actually really good at ruining their own game contents

quote from patch note

Skyhooks which are currently vulnerable can be seen by any player using the world map Vulnerable Skyhooks filter or by using the Colony Resources page in the Agency and choosing to view theft vulnerable Skyhooks.
Skyhooks will immediately alert everyone within 2 jumps of a Skyhook if a "friendly theft" is activated, just like the notification which would happen if a regular raid was at the 5 minute mark.

So the defender will not only notified instantly when theft began, and they can easily find out where?

That had already been happening before today.

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The local alert already existed before the patch. I mean, a totally neutral alt of mine got this alert as far back as Sept 21…


The alert goes to Notifications so is actually easy to miss. I didn’t notice this one until over 2 hours later when I looked at Notifications.

Only the owner should be notified.

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you know you can ingore a lot of notification and only show the important ones right?
btw, nullsec alliance all have intel channel, as long as one person is notice that, basiclly everyone knows

So, CCP doest need to notify everyone.

It’s PvP in nuksec

lolz what’s next? Blackout Local?

The notify range should be increased.

So no one has to guard their assets?

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