I want my old Eve back

Argh, this is going to get flagged, but I have to say it. RL lotto pays for tax breaks for the rich. They say that they’ll give the money to the schools, and they do, but they also reduce taxes for the rich. So the schools don’t get any more money, people who are bad at math pay the taxes of rich people. Maybe things might be different in different countries, but that’s how things have worked in the states.


Lottos are predominantly local, while tax breaks and party favors for the rich are usually the domain of the federal government. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen at all, but I reasonably expect gambling and vice taxes to go to “noble” causes in higher proportions compared to federal dollars. Even then, the poor people are going to get their basic services regardless of how many tax breaks are given to the rich, as least for now, because tax breaks for the rich mostly take the form of increased debt that will impact us down the line, instead of an immediate cut to tax revenues.

See, the beautiful thing about this country is that we can just print more money when we need it. Dealing with the fallout will be our children’s problem, at least for those of us unlucky enough to have them. I really doubt that the one percent is snorting coke with the profits they make from me buying a few Loose Change tickets with what remains of my salary after I pay the $2,300 rent for my 120-square-foot studio apartment.

No but they do from one million people all being told to do it.

Why when its not happening now?

You sound very optimistic about things.

Sorry, off topic and against rules, but had to say it, my Inner Marx was defeated in the Duma of my head by my Inner Stalin

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