I warned you guys. But you didn't listen

I warned you guys ~half year ago about the conseuqences of Equinox

But you didn’t listen.

Now poweblocks doing exactly what i predicted - taking over moons and space with metenox, cut everyone else out of income and resources. Small groups cant resist and cant do anything to prevent it just because lack of power and no free space to go. Leading to their disbanding.

I’m 100% sure people confirm that thier small group is struggle right now or already kicked of from their place or even disbanded just because some BIG BOI neighbor comes for their moons.

Do you remember what happened with Serenity?
You have about few years till it here on Tranq.


Which small groups have been killed by Equinox?

Cartel in Curse (Apocalypse Now, Альянс Out of the Blue and small allie)

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I wasnt worned, I wasnt play this game 6mo ago.

I could not hear.

Good. If someone cannot stand thier ground they should retreat or flee. This game cutthraot, not for feint of heart. Take or be taken.

Good. If cant defend their things is normal someone come take it. Fight or flight. Stand ground or go home.

What is Serenity, another weak corporation?

Is that a threat?


No, it’s a server wipe.

Simply put. The big blocks need to die out. They are effectively controlling CCP and the decisions made. Sure CCP “makes the rules” but if it’s going to effect the big blocks in a negative way that means it’s going to hurt CCP wallet in the long run. That many active omega accounts means they tend to get what they want. Sure it’s not fair to the rest of the player base but at the end of the day, what keeps the lights on and the server running? That’s right the hamsters running in those wheels in the basement. Now get back to work and stop complaining.


I dont have any reason to play if i cant get what i want because poweblocks already take that.
That’s exactly what happened on Serenity and it happening right now on Tranq.
People just loose the matter of playing it because there is nothing more to achive and compete.


Well ‘you’ are in State War Academy and always have been so are not posting on any ‘small group’ corp that’s actually affected by any of what you claim. As Gerard Amatin asked…which small groups have been affected ?

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I think this caused Gooseswam to ruffle feathers and spread its wings!


The answer to his question is written in 2 languages. Or do you only watch what you need?

If you can’t defend what you have you shouldn’t have it.

If they’re not strong enough to withstand the onslaught they should by all means disband or band together with other groups.

That’s the way it is in New Eden. Fight for it, win or lose it.

Okay, Mr. Chicken Little.

Sorry, I tend to ignore posts in languages I don’t speak.

You did mention one name but I had never heard of it and cannot check if it was indeed Equinox that killed it, or that it was just the regular cycle of life and death that happened to coincide with Equinox.


Previously unwanted (because you cant just mine everything manually) space where small groups could potentially have their homes now wanted by blocks cuz it’s easy passive income from metenoxes.

Obviously none of small group or newcomers can stand against it.

I understand. So the small groups need to band together until they’re big enough to kick the big groups’ butt.
Otherwise they will just have to get into Ventures and mine Veldspar in Highsec.

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Good luck with that. A lot of overinflated egos and blind pride in those small groups. They refuse to join each other because they wanna do it themselves (understandably). They all offer to let the other join but say no you should join us instead of us joining you. Its this dead end back and forth.


That’s the future of all small groups.
Other choice - be CTA slaves for blocks.

Then they are won over not because they are weak but because they are proud and stupid. No tears shed for them.

Or go solo and be a pain in the big groups’ butt.

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Nice joke man :rofl:

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Well what else am I going to tell you? If the small groups can’t figure it out I’m not going to figure it out for them :person_shrugging:

I sometimes come back to commemorate the death of my corporation at the hands of that “and thou shalt mine moons by hand” update. When was that, ten years ago by now? Anyway, the sole advice I can give you is to simply quit. I’ve won Eve for about ten years now and I never looked back.

Okay okay, I admit I have logged in this year, and confirmed that I ran out of PLEX. I have ceased my annual attempts at getting back into the game. I’m a millennial and I’m done with shifting goal posts, societal or otherwise.

I now play spaceship games with game boards, miniatures and dice, in real life. I recommend giving that a try.