Ice Mining borked again?

Nearly 8 hours after the last belts are gone and there are no new belts, been sat here since 5hrs and 55 minutes after previous belts despawned, ready to go back and hit the new ones and all the icebergs have gone on holiday.

Something MUST be broken somewhere, is anyone else noticing these failures to spawn on time in other systems? Gosalavs Ice belts havent respawned on-time for 6 months and now other systems seem to be on the same broken clock.

Maybe they have finally fixed these stupid static belts and replaced them by randomly spawning ice anomalies :).

Oh well, no, you will probably be right about something being bugged, it’s just a nice dream… ^^


The system im in dont get any ICE belt respawn and no SIG at all and been waiting now for over 2 hours over the 6h respawn time and nothing happens. DAM this is very bad programing and it screw up so many things as you need to plan with RL and all frends you mining with in a fleet.

yep, especially when some miners have plexed ships with the expectation that things will continue to work as they should.

You don’t pay money for a microwave that can’t tell you when your foods cooked lol

This is the kind of botch that makes people walk away from continuing to sub accounts when a big chunk of what they expect doesn’t materialise.

Maybee CCP has this policy like a broken microwave that says come back tomorrow and maybe your food will be cooked.


It wouldn’t be so bad but for the fact that CCP made it a feature that ties in so heavily with others.

CCP: Hey you can run reactions and have your own structures.
Players: nice!
CCP: you need to mine ice for the fuel blocks to keep them running though.
Players: OK, spent time training a character up and bought the ships to enable me to do that, wheres the ice?
CCP: ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Why not introduce that ICE belts respawn even if ICE belts are mined or not every 6 hours, first Belt at DT and add the next belt 6 hours later and so on until the next DT when everything resets and starts over, so if no one mines in a system with one ICE belt from the start then it is four to the next DT and eight if it is a two ICE belt system?
Then you can plan things more easier with friends as we all need to combine all hours spent in EVE with RL.

Maybe the belt spawned and was mined out before you noticed it?
A large enough fleet can crack an ice belt pretty quick.

No, one of our guys timed it from the belts disappearance we had ships out 5 minutes before the belt was due to spawn and one or two of our fleet members had already been out ore mining in the same system for ages before it was due to respawn as well. it’s highly unlikely it was mined without us noticing.