Ichoriya System

Good morning,

My son and ! need help. Him and I a few of years were doing level 4 missions in Ichoriya. Now I can’t get into Ichoriya and my son can’t get out. We need help getting him and out stuff out. I am willing to give up my Maelstrom and Scimitar to get my son and the rest of our stuff out of Ichoriya.

Thank you,

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Easy, you need to buy a Pochven Filament in the Market (Jita has them for sure) to get yourself into Pochven: Border-5 ‘Pochven’ Filament

Then buy an exit Filament: Glorification-5 ‘Devana’ Filament
You will need that one to get out of Pochven again.

Then follow these steps:

  • board a cheap and fast frigate (Atron, Executioner, Condor…) and put BOTH filaments into the cargohold and undock. If you can, you can use a Covert Ops Frigate with a Covert Ops Cloaking Device.
  • Form a fleet with your son.
  • Warp to any planet, make sure nothing is within 1000km of your ship.
  • right-click The "Border-5 ‘Pochven’ Filament in your cargo and open the Trace.
  • Jump the trace and you will be in Pochven, but maybe not in Ichorya. Set desitnation to Ichorya and move through the Triglavian Gates until you arrive in Ichorya.
  • warp around to make a safespot bookmark, wait at this bookmark until your red PvP timer is expired (15minutes). Cloak up there if you can, if not, watch out for combat probes by actively pinging your Directional Scanner at maxrange 360° every few seconds.
  • Once the timer is expired, tell your son to undock and warp to you
  • When he has arrived, right-click the "Glorification-5 ‘Devana’ filament and you both can jump out.

Voila, you are back in normal space. If you want to take expensive ships out of there, you would need to board them first of course, so check if you have docking access or if your son could bring one to the safespot, then return to get his own ship. Maybe an exit-filament is even for sale on the station where your son is, then you don’t need to go into Pochven to bring him one, he can directly buy it, put it in his cargo and jump out (needs to be in a fleet).


Yep, what Syzygium said above is how you can get ships out of Pochven, I did it just yesterday for one of my own ships there.

A few additional tips:

  • a shuttle is enough to travel there with filaments
  • you also need to both turn your safeties to yellow for filaments to activate, it cannot be done with safeties green
  • the Cladistic-5 ‘Krai Veles’ Filament has a higher chance to land you close to Ichoriya than the Border filament mentioned above. (Either of them will take you into Pochven though.)

Some background info:

A few years ago 27 systems were taken from mostly high sec space by the Triglavians in a fight against EDENCOM. These systems, including Ichoriya, were turned into the new region of Pochven.

Pochven is a bit more dangerous than the usual high sec space:

  • there is no CONCORD in Pochven, people can attack you at any time
  • smartbombs and warp disruption bubbles are allowed, so if your frigate or shuttle doesn’t survive travelling gate to gate, try again later
  • local chat in Pochven is delayed, you won’t see who is in system with you until they talk in local, just like wormholes

Also you cannot use many of the features of stations in Pochven like fitting your ships or repairing your ships until you have high enough standings with the Triglavians.

Now I don’t know how many ships your son has in Ichoriya, but using the steps above you should be able to get your son in a ship out pretty easily, or repeat it a few times taking 30 minutes each time back and forth to get out multiple ships (there’s a 15 minute delay between filament use).

As an alternative you could search for a wormhole in Pochven to high sec space, which doesn’t have such a delay, but I think using filaments is easier.

Good luck!


Thank you.

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Thank you

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Thank you

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@Syzygium @Gerard_Amatin

Good info…

:thinking: You guys should make a ‘Get Your Ships Out Of Pochven’ guide… :wink:

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