Hallo Dear Readers!
I’m sorry for my rather bad English. With this out of the way i would like to suggest something. Maybe this Idea is good maybe not you decide.
Currently mining is some sort of decentralised and basicly decoupled from other PVE aspects in the game. The only PvE Aspects to worry is price, Material Availability and some more or lesser rats.
I envy the other PvE Elements like abyssal filaments and crab Beacons because they offer something mining is not getting. instant Opotrunities.
In come my Idea of abyssal filaments for small mining fleets where there are some harder rats to fight. So a Fleet can not efficently mine without some Sort of PvE backup.
I think the mining dungeon should give the opportunitie to mine for 20 minutes before there is nothing more to mine.
As i see this would be a cool thing maybe this could be enhanced with the concept of storms or the way a specific area is marked for incursions. So this filaments could only be fired under such environments. or restrict this in number to specific systems so Alliances would get some opportunitys to fight over such systems. This places could either improve the filament so they are more lucrative or just simply enable this.
How i personly would imagine this would be that there are maybe 10 ship fleets where 2 PvE ships would have constantly something to shoot at. Through the trace from the filaments this fleets would be gankable and would maybe give the Skiff or other mining ships a stage to get used more.
my 2 arconor rocks