Ideas to improve new player experience and retention

It was not a study, it was an analysis of a specific sample, if you were right with your ignorant throw away comment “Wrong!” Then all of them would still be playing, that is not what I found.

Do we have 30 day trial accounts at this moment in time, we do not, this is fact, we have Alpha accounts now. But more importantly is that what you define only as new players?


I guess you’re conceding the point. I accept your concession. Have a nice day.

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You guess wrong and are delusional to think that.

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So you asked 60 people that got ganked if they were quitting Eve and 40% of them said “yeah.” What an illuminating analysis!

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Irrelevant, it is all about the context of his statement “Wrong!” to the sentence he quoted.


OFC. And he knows better than CCP, becausetrialaccountsrofl

ROFL, you are the one claiming that 30 day trial accounts is fully representative of Eve players as a whole, afterwards you switched to new players. If you define new players as only 30 day trial accounts then you are obviously unable to get the OP’s point. This is basic stuff.


Can’t tell if straw man, or just lack of basic reading comprehension :thinking:

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A straw man accusing me of being a straw man, laughable.

Following on from reviewing your replies to DMC and looking again at your replies to me and others above that I can only deduce that you are a troll and a pretty poor one at that, and you are now added to my blocked list.

Also to further your education you should note this:

Herein lies the generally uncommunicated and unrecognised truth about the EVE Online NPE – it’s not about the first six hours. It’s not even really about the first three days, despite the massive percentage of retention drop-off in that period of time. It’s about the players who come back beyond the initial tutorial experience. It’s about the people who are dragged, kicking and screaming, into the mission system that appears to have been untouched in more than a decade. For the early-days new player, nothing is easy after the tutorial. The actual NPE is all about the players who, by luck or by skill, make it past the antiquated gatekeeper that is NPC missioning and find something worthwhile beyond that gatekeeper. As it is, CCP need to recognise that their efforts have to address major sections of the early gameplay sections that have been untouched for so long, instead of rehashing the same few hours of initial gameplay.

Obviously a senior Goon that indicates new players are not just 30 day trial accounts.



Clean your room, lobster boy

Slay the Lobster of Chaos and overheat everything.

It’s thorough and well made post. Like everyone else i agree in some areas but disagree in others.

All the evidence points to the contrary. The only correlation between ganking and new players is that players that are killed illegally are sticking around longer.

Despite that, nerfing pvp in hi-sec has been CCP’s MO for over half a decade. And not once has it resulted in better retention.

As mentioned earlier, you can’t just ramp up the rewards to make people happier. It screws with the economy.

We could definitely do with more group pve however. We’re just still figuring out how to do that. We’ve had numerous attempts, resource wars being one and group abyss being another, and learning as we go.

It doesn’t matter how many missions you make, they will become repetitive after they’ve been run once. Given the thousands of players running missions every day, it is inevitable that they all become repetitive in about 5 minutes flat.

The answer is not to keep asking devs to make more and more missions with more and more rewards.

If we did this, people like me would run them solo, quickly and efficiently, and make even more isk, thus making lives even harder for new players.

I agree to BC’s being omega only, but for completely different reasons. And there’s no way you’re taking destroyers away from alphas.

Alphas aren’t there to just do pve. They were brought into the game to add content. Explosions. Free fun. Content and explosions including ganking.

Like above, stealing is content. The various ways in which players can take things from eachother makes for an interesting game. And with respects to new players, this is totally in their favour. New players have nothing to steal and everything to gain.

New players can be taught to gank and steal from older players. It’s an alternative to the grind that you’re saying is so hard on/un rewarding for noobs. And let’s be honest, far more interesting and engaging.

I refer to the above.

These are the fun parts of the game. Let’s not punish ‘bad people’ so much that hardly anyone does it anymore (feels like we’re there already). These activities make the game what it is, and nerfing them has most likely caused the stagnation and lower player counts we are experiencing.

That idea about removing destroyers from alphas is completely daft. What are they meant to do, go straight to a cruiser? You do want them to stay and eventually subscribe, don’t you?

(and in any case, only 3 of 8 destroyer hulls seem to be used for ganking)

(And AFAIK, Burn Jita is the only time many alphas (and despite name similarity, are not the same player) are used)

Don’t know where you get your info from but you’re wrong. Over the years CCP has nerfed and or removed High Sec content while they buffed or added content to Low Sec, all intended to get players to leave High Sec space… Like for example High Sec Exploration sites added to Low Sec space, Level 5 Agents moved from High Sec to Low Sec, etc.

Don’t know why you started remarking about safety and rewards and all that crap, my statement had nothing to do with that at all.

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CCP has nerfed and removed HiSec content… like adding the ability to mine ABC ores?

Really bro, you need to put more thought into your posts.

They’re not nerfing HiSec to “make people leave HiSec”, they’re simply iterating on risk vs reward balance, which is of critical importance in a sandbox game with a player driven economy.

Your tin foil speculation is unwarranted.

Also, your comment had everything to do with risk vs reward, because everything you’ve mentioned involves risk vs reward. Don’t try to deflect. Man up.

EDIT: Oh and how about adding Incursions and Triglavians???

The only person deflecting here is you, funny how you conveniently ignored how Level 5 Agents were moved from High Sec to Low Sec or how CCP added all High Sec Exploration sites to the Low Sec Exploration spawn pool.

Moon Mining is a recent addition that requires a Refinery structure anchored by a Player Corp and is only accessible when the Refinery extracts a chunk of the moon. CCP didn’t implement that to beef up rewards in High Sec space, they implemented that to encourage more destruction via WarDec.

Also due to Concord game mechanics in High Sec, players who own the Refinery can’t freely attack those who encroach upon their Moon Mining Field, thus in order to retain complete control over who can access that Field, the Corp would have to conduct their Moon Mining in Low or Null Sec. That’s the actual intention, it creates an incentive to not do it in High Sec.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Incursions being nerfed as well, thanks for reminding me about that. As for Triglavian’s, the intention of that content is to create chaos and more destruction which they are doing, not increased rewards for High Sec players.

Your assumption that rewards for High Sec are buffed is completely incorrect. Take your tin foil speculations somewhere else.


I didn’t “ignore” it. It falls under the umbrella of “iterating risks vs rewards”.

Exactly… they have the ability to mine billions worth of ABC ores and they incur a VERY small risk to do so. It’s a huge buff.

Waa waa, also irrelevant. There’s moon mining operations all over HiSec, so obviously not enough incentive. Also, the owning corp can just field enough people to mine all the rocks before anyone else, since they control when the chunk pops. Can’t do that? Oh well, waa waa.

It certainly has created rewards for new players who would normally not have had access to them. Also about Incursions being nerfed - they were too rewarding for the low level of risk involved. Sorry boo boo.

Except your wrong, and despite your whiny blathering, your post actually supports my assertion. Thanks! :smiley:

You can stop attributing motive to CCP’s actions, unless you have a single scrap of evidence to back it up - you’re just talking out of your whiny whiny nethers.


Thanks for showing us you have no proof to back up any of your ridiculous assumptions whatsoever and instead resort to posting a bunch of waa waa boo hoo whiny childish crap.

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Ironic. You just described yourself perfectly!