Ideas to make a great game even better

Lvl 5 missions used to be in high-sec, i was training up back then and just before i became proficent they were moved 2014 I think. Tried to do them in low-sec solo was mobbed every time making it practically impossible achieve as all lvl5 mission hubs were camped back then. I lost a fair amount of battleships mostly fleet phoons.

It’s high-end content that’s intended to be fought over, just like null-sec anomalies/DED sites, wormholes, tax-free production, etc. “Entitlement” content (that is, something accessible to everyone without much if any hassle) shouldn’t be expected to pay as much as content that carries significant additional risk in the form of needing organized warfare to claim and defend. The removal of level 5 missions wasn’t an accident or an oversight; it was an intentional action because they were screwing up the risk/reward balance in the game.

If anything, they need to remove level 4 missions (and incursions) as well.

It’s like this: do you want to be able to make 300 million an hour farming PvE? Join a group of like-minded players and secure your ability to do so through collective defense. Or play alone and solely for yourself, and have a smaller income.

Yeah good luck with that.

I don’t need luck. CCP is in the middle of balancing and redistributing income across all areas of space, and their current course of development makes it very clear that they’re not going to be adding to high-sec farmability, but taking away from it.

So, since we know what your next response will be, can I have your stuff?

Yeah sure just message me in game and i’ll see what I can do XD

Make any contracts directly to this character.

Your stuff will be mostly used for training new players in small-group piracy.

Will contract you some lvl 4 mission loot, metal scraps should do fine.

Wow, you even collect the scraps?

I’m sorry, I take it all back. We should get level 5 missions back into high-sec. I didn’t know things were this rough in carebearland. :worried:

Hell yeah metal scraps get reproccessed, everything gets scooped up and reproccessed all ammo gets collected and turned into faction ammo with the lp, also faction tags from Caldari and Amarr navies are put to good use. Then the rest of the lp gets used to get Tempest Fleet Issue ships. roughly selling at 650 mill a pop atm.

Forums is honey trap for those that use them. We know where CCP distributes their information. Youtube.
lol seriously take a look at their channel - It looks like someone forgot the password when SeaGull left.

Wow, you’re like some kind of EVE environmentalist. Using the whole level 4 mission animal without letting a single piece of its flesh go to waste. I bet you even have open market orders for the livestock commodities like slaves and militants.

Kind of respectable actually, in its own way.

Nothing goes to waste apart from mining in the mission plexes after a couple of cycles in my mach i want to rip out my eyes just cannot seem to get into at all, everything else though is up for grabs I even have a decent dead body collection. I use those to drop outside stations in null my cloaky loki is brilliant for that job… Plus the odd tourist here and there.

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