Theres a few things that need to change in eve.
#1 Hi sec
#2 Low sec
#3 Null sec
#4 Alts
#5 Mission runners
Tweaking these things would bring pvp back to eve (null pvp is a joke)
Lets start with Hi sec. Its infested with miners and there alts. I mean infested. You have 1 guy playing a orca and 5 - 15 miners at 1 time doing the work of a small corp all by himself. Hes also very very safe thanks to concord. Its disgusting and i know how to fix it (code is a joke )
1st thing that needs to be done is add 10x - 20x more ore and ice anomalies. 2nd thing is remove the current low sec system and convert the new ore and ice anomalies into low sec. Let the greedy alters go farm that. This way theres more risk vs reward and small pvp corps can always find targets also noobs can experiment with pvp without gate camping noobs. Also with all the death and destruction it would bring sales of ammo, drones, ships ect ect would go up and everyone from noobs to vets could make more cash.
Low sec is a joke full of gate camping scrubs that mainly noob bash. Get past the gate and low sec is a hair scarier then Hi sec. Gate guns need to be over hauled to blap anything they shoot. Also there needs to be more profit in low sec so people actually use it. Maybe give it a system closer to null. Or use my anomaly idea.
#3 Null
Null has turned into a joke and a simi carebear environment. Why does 1 alliance need so so much land? Why is nobody taking land? Iāll tell you why. Nobody wants to loose there pixel space boats. Alliance A can field 500 combat ships in the blink of an eye. Alliance B can also do that. Alliance C can field 5 - 15 combat ships in 30 min. A n B dont want to loose there pixel space boats so they bash C untill they quit.
Not cool
We know A n B want kills but they also dont want to loose there ships so C is fked. But what if we had a reason for A n B to fight? Bragging rights are not cutting it and nobody wants to see who the top dog is so pvp needs to be forced on them. I say make a alliance require kill mail to maintain there land. The more land you have then the more kills are needed. Also this would force A to fight B just to keep land and we know C is to small to pay A or B rent.
With all the death n carnage alliances will matter and size will matter also sales of ammo, ships , ect ect go up and everyone from 1 day accounts to 10 yr accounts can make is and the fighting is a little more balanced on skill not noob bashing or pure numbers.
ALTS there as bad as bots. Now for you and me this is a game we may say ban alts but for CCP its a business its how they feed there kids and pay there car bill ect ect. So CCP wont stop there own income to balance the game. BUT they can mark alts so everyone knows that player is a alt ( local chat) and they can make concord go code on them. Pay a protection fee or be fair game in Hi sec. Iām sure some lore can be generated to explain it. Also alts need to be handicapped so they are less efficient in all areas. Killing alts will generate more industry bussiness and remove some of the stagnation.
Hi sec is a great idea but its ment to teach new players the game not generate mountains of isk in safty.
Lvl 3 and 4 missions need to appear on D scan and become low sec zones like the ore and ice anomalies mentioned earlier. Lvl 3 should be restricted by ship size and lvl 4 can be anything goes. Eve was not meant to be a solo game. Eve was not meant to be super duper oober safe.
Get more pvp in. Get the economy going. Get the bragging in and dont be a pussy