"if I had control over eve's design choices"

As I recall when you made this claim in the past everyone laughed at you and pointed out your recent posts about being a newbie. I find this a lot more plausible than someone with so much nullsec experience being so stubborn in lobbying for clueless highsec farmers.

i dont think saying an entire company’s position is the same, we developers disagree, our job is very political with the conversation between ourselves, and with investors.

That pre-alpha game you work on once a month and will never release doesn’t make you a game developer. And this is a design principle for EVE that has been there since day one, explicitly stated over and over again. If there’s any disagreement on this point it sure as hell isn’t visible anywhere outside of your wishful thinking.

On another note, That is the exact reason why i wrote the corporate management of pearl abyss advising them to terminate the current ceo of ccp, because i believe he is less likely to concede his position, then to be fired.

I’m sure corporate management’s spam filter paid a lot of attention to your nonsense as it landed in the trash can.

Do you gain any inclination that i am in anyway a noob by my posts on these forums? What noob knows about null tactics and politics? dont be stupid. I could careless about twinkle toes and his games of strawman stupidity. Btw, im still smarter then him.

Btw, I always have the ace card of linking my other alt accounts and mains.

Actually, I code about 50-60 hours a week. as we speak i am coding (though im working on a eve-app / industrial version of seat at this point)

IIRC people quoted your thread saying “new player here, please help find a corp”.

Btw, I always have the ace card of linking my other alt accounts and mains.

So do it then.

Actually, I code about 50-60 hours a week. as we speak i am coding (though im working on a eve-app / industrial version of seat at this point)

I bet you do. Do you have a real job for 40 hours a week also? Or are you pretending that your “game” is a job?

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Yes, like every single time you post it screams that you have no idea about the game or what will help or hurt the game.
Making claims that you cant or wont back up makes everyone believe you are a liar also. Once you have established yourself as a Liar no one will believe you even when you are telling the truth.

Then maybe you should shut up and stick to nullsec things,
I am however a Highsec player, and an industrialist…ganking and criminal affairs need to stay in High not be removed for the sake of the player economy.
And you want to run for CSM…where did you get your EvE experience from, a cracker jack box?

This is not a valid point.

You nerf the problem at the source. Which means Null gets nerfs, and highsec gets buffs to stablize the rates.

130 trillion isk is coming from goonswarm a month, which is why ccp created nerfs to the null respawn rates.

This is an example of correct game corrects of problems at the source. You ganking plebs in high sec hiding behind the economic issues of eve, are cowards. Not only are you bottom feeders incapable of actual real pvp (picking on high sec players that do not desire to pvp, or know how to) your cowards for not actually providing legitimate argumentation to defend your position.

CCP needs to out right say, no criminal actions in high sec, and the people of high sec need to start advocating for it to ccp.

i am a high sec ceo, and executor by the way. I am running for CSM, and this will be my focal point of discussion. You guys need to be ousted, unconditionally, out of high sec, with out any possible means of exploitation or criminal activity.

If thats now clear let me make it clear

  • You should not be able to suicide gank
  • You should not be able to steal ore, etc
  • You should not be able to scam

high sec should turn into the same ruleset as university (Spawn) systems. and you should go to low sec where you belong like the coward, scum you are.

Why do you need to stabilize the rates? If EVE’s economy is suffering from too much inflation then nerfing nullsec just to put that same ISK faucet into highsec isn’t going to be a net improvement. Nullsec arguably needs to be nerfed, but 100% risk-free farming sure as hell doesn’t need to be buffed.

Not only are you bottom feeders incapable of actual real pvp (picking on high sec players that do not desire to pvp, or know how to)

Oh boo hoo. EVE is a PvP game, if you don’t like PvP then go back to WoW.

CCP needs to out right say, no criminal actions in high sec, and the people of high sec need to start advocating for it to ccp.

i am a high sec ceo, and executor by the way. I am running for CSM, and this will be my focal point of discussion. You guys need to be ousted, unconditionally, out of high sec, with out any possible means of exploitation or criminal activity.

Never going to happen. Highsec crime is a fundamental part of EVE.

Your argument is “the economy has to much money” the high sec players are constantly upset about not making enough. The conclusion we draw is that the economy is making to much is, but only in specific area’s. As a developer i also agree that high sec income rates are to low. It seems ccp agree’s with adding mechanics to the game like abyssals being equal in all forms of space. This is further proven to be the case by the recent massive nerf to null incomes by reducing the respawn rates effectively creating “travel time” or “idle time” for farming.

So the problems are clear, and very easily spotted. Thus we come to two issues

  • To much isk income in null sec
  • To Little isk income in high sec

Moving some isk to low or high sec, would stabilize income. making the game more enjoyable for new players and more likely to keep them in the game. Reducing nullsec income would help stabilize the economy. Everyone wins.

Who said i dont like pvp? thats all i do really (out side of corp/alliance management stuff)

By the way,


To be clear

so the topic of What me and you do is not even on the table for the health of this game.

By the way, did you not see the war eligibility and upcoming pvp changes in high sec? Seems your pvp game is soon to be pve, cant wait to see noobs like you who cant really pvp cry on the forums and rage quit. eve might go somewhere then.

No, that’s your argument. You’re the one who claimed that there’s too much money supply and that’s why CCP nerfed nullsec farming. If you accept the premise that nullsec farming was putting too much money into the economy and needed to be nerfed then it’s insanity to put that money right back by buffing highsec.

the high sec players are constantly upset about not making enough.

Good. They should be upset, maybe then they’ll leave the tutorial area and take some risks to get more money. The last thing we should do is give more money to highsec farmers just because they whine a lot about not getting handed tons of risk-free ISK.

{more carebear bleating}

Ah yes, right on schedule, whining about how PvP players all have psychological issues because they don’t just do mindless 23/7 farming like you.


Wrong. Combat? PvP. Mining? PvP. Industry? PvP. Market trading? PvP. In fact, the only PvE elements are the various missions/anomalies/etc, things that are a minority of content and pretty universally agreed to be EVE’s weakest points.


And most players don’t belong in EVE. EVE has survived this long because CCP understands that it is a niche market game and maintained a strong identity as a PvP-focused sandbox instead of sacrificing that identity in a desperate attempt to pander to everyone.

You do realize that 6.5 Quadrillion isk go’s into the economy from ratting, mostly null, alone right?

Reducing that number, and shifting parts of the remaining to high sec equals less isk in the economy, and more balance.

Your mindset “only for the old players” is trash.

What part of most players dont want to pvp in eve, dont you get? They should not be forced into anything when in high sec, especially forced out of it.

Thats why eve’s population is at 18k active players and falling.

No one said anything about pvers having psyc issues, i state people like you that want to sit on the internet being egotistical assholes, do have psyc issues. maybe you should get it looked at or something. i hear they have doctors and special clothing for these things.

oh oh i can play this game to!

Combat? PvE Ratting, Mining, PvE Building, PvE Trading, PvE Research, PvE Pi, PvE Hauling, blah blah blah blaaah blaah.

This is childish and debating with you is clearly a waste of time.

Again, the reason why ccp should ignore you and people like you. This is at the end of a day a business. Like an amusement park, and your advocating that just because someone does not go on a single upside down roller coaster, they should not go. Stupidity, stupidity to the highest levels.

CCP’s suffering because they listen to advice like yours. Its time people from the other side of the table spoke up and told you to shove it, and go visit one of those doctor-thingies with the special clothes.

And with that, no more conversation with you. Im tired of your position, its nothing special. At this point ill just start ignoring people with such stupid positions. you do nothing to benefit this game, or ccp as company.

at the end of the day, your all just a bunch of bullies, and its time we bullied you by nerfing you out of high (and maybe low) sec

Why are you assuming that only old players are in nullsec?

What part of most players dont want to pvp in eve, dont you get?

What part of “EVE is a PvP game” don’t you get? Complaining about PvP in EVE is like buying a FPS and then complaining that people are shooting each other with guns. If that’s not the game you want then just leave, don’t whine and cry about how EVE isn’t giving you what you want.

Combat? PvE Ratting, Mining, PvE Building, PvE Trading, PvE Research, PvE Pi, PvE Hauling, blah blah blah blaaah blaah.

Nonsense. Mining, industry, etc are all PvP activities. You succeed or fail at them based on your interactions with other players. Want to build stuff and sell it? You aren’t handing it in to an NPC in exchange for ISK, you’re attempting to build it with a competitive manufacturing chain from raw materials to finished product and get it on the market at a price below the other sellers in the area but still high enough to make a profit. If you’re better than those players you make money, if you aren’t you either fail to sell your stuff or price it too low and make a loss on every sale.

The ONLY place where EVE is PvE, where you are interacting only with NPCs and you succeed or fail based on those interactions, is in missions/anomalies/etc. They form a special isolated fragment of the game that barely interacts with anything else and is a small percentage of its total content.

CCP’s suffering because they listen to advice like yours. Its time people from the other side of the table spoke up and told you to shove it, and go visit one of those doctor-thingies with the special clothes.

Truly you are the voice of reason here.

Please do. Please go back to WoW and leave us in peace.

and its time we bullied you by nerfing you out of high (and maybe low) sec

Seeing as CCP is not listening to people like you and will not be removing criminal activities or PvP in general from highsec you’re going to be waiting a long time before this becomes more than masturbatory fantasies.

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Awww, did someone not agree with you again so you decided to ignore them, soon you will be talking to your self because you will find most players don’t agree with you.

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Hey bitch boy…

Highsec industrialist, i dont gank…
I build stuff…but if that stuff does not get destroyed than my game play is ruined.

So really??
You do not represent anything, go back to WoW, kiss our collective asses and uninstall EvE.
You have not shown any proof that you are a Veteran player,
You do not deserve a seat on the CSM.
Especially when you can not understand the core principles of the game and its mechanics.

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  1. insurance should be removed entirely, it keeps ISK in game and the corporations that issue insurance have had negative balance sheets as long as they have existed, no corporation would keep ensuring people and losing money forever.

  2. why?

  3. Person takes courier contract worth billions, blows up his own ship with an alt, gets in super AU/s ship and goes to delivery point and docks. Avoids all consequences of ‘hauling’ 100bil contracts makes hauling freighter size contracts take minutes not hour or more.

  4. Really the only income in highsec right now that needs an emergency increase in income value is mining. (most people dont know that in the last 5 years CCP has indirectly nerfed highsec mining income 3 times: I dont remember all three but one was the ‘mineral shift’).

  5. Agreed that moving L5s to highsec should happen.

  6. Lowsec: its pretty much fine as is, possibly more exploration sites. Ice needs to spawn in random systems across a sec status: so random across nullsec, random across low, wh, highsec each is separate so that eventually all the ice doesnt start spawning only in lowsec.

  7. You can get around any limits on player grouping by the ‘blue’ mechanism.

  8. dont understand the statement.

  9. players can get around any attempt to limit their grouping activities by using the ‘blue’ mechanic.

  10. Im all for some reason to make holding territory something that must be considered, cost could possibly work if made high enough but does this kill off the smaller guys?

  11. Again CCP seems to be looking into the chat system vs its use as an intel system. Know that nerfing the chat system can be effective in some instances but organized groups like goons will get around this before it even goes live.

  12. same reason as above.

  13. Destroying wh game play isnt good for EVE.

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