It’s EVE, I entirely agree. I was so excited for this game. Then I found the un-balance. New Eden could be taken down if all 3 year+ players joined together, actually not all, just a select few. The game balance actually does not exist.
We Noobs are just told we don’t know enough and to keep learning. That does sound like epic fun right? I placed my orders for textbooks and I’m drooling at my window waiting for the Mailman.
CCP - its 2018 nearly. All games these days require balance when in PVP, or the games will die. Look at almost ALL OTHER MMOs. What you produce is a System where all veteran players can destroy all noobs and the noobs skills don’t matter. RE READ THAT SENTENCE. Does that make it inviting? It might be okay if we could get skills and level up quickly, but we have all read how it takes real life Years to “get good”… THAT’S BECAUSE THERE IS NO BALANCE guys! c’mon any educated person can see this.
I’m calling all the @ CCPs I can… I’m an Omega Noob, the future of New Eden if one means to exist.
@CCP_Falcon @CCP_Delegate_Zero @CCP_Claymore @CCP_Paradox @CCP_Snorlax @CCP_Dragon
The next update will include a level system, where when in High Sec your weapons are balanced against the LCD, and so forth with Low Sec and Null Sec and wormhole space. This is non-optional in today’s gaming market. You can’t take the heat EA is getting so you need to get around this. It will change the game, the bully’s will hate it but it only makes sense.
You all know EXP Players can easily make New Eden unplayable for noobs. People live life on Sol, Earth and go to New Eden to escape, not to get destroyed. Especially when we know there was NOTHING we could have done about it. Why play, for the challenge? Get real.