I became excited at the prospect of beginning a journey in EVE Online. I made a character, completed the tutorials and subsequent learner missions (Industry, Adv Military, Exploring, etc), then put together a cheap Heron explorer/scanner and went for a “test-run”.
My first two attempts involved me finding a middle-of-nowhere, and empty location (no ships or destroyed ships within 2 star systems).
I entered, scanned, found some relic site/s and entered. Each time I was demolished by someone who warped in on top of me and blasted me away unexpectedly.
Something needed to change…
I then learned of the D-scanner. Did my research, learned all I could, and used the EVE university overview to improve my situational awareness.
Also, I adjusted my keybindings for a more streamlined approach, and linked my D-scanner to overview tab.
Put together another Heron, and some scanning stuff …went to null-sec. Empty (or so it seemed).
While probing, I would use my D-scanner every 3 or so seconds. Eventually I noticed a ship pop up on the reader. Seemed like it was getting closer, so I booked out of there to a moon on the opposite side of the system. All the while, maintaining my probing.
I then noticed scanner probes on my D-scanner, so I would relocate myself. All the while, continuing my probing of anomalies.
I continued this dance of probing and relocating as it seemed every 10 seconds, this ship would locate me and zero in.
“How in the hell is he doing this?!” I began to ask (I am new to the game after all, and could easily be missing something, but it seemed highly unlikely that he would be able to chase me down every 10 seconds as I relocated to new points on the solar system map (always to within 100km).
I decided to send my probes around to the other anomalies just to ‘confuse’ the enemy so that they might not know specifically “which” one I was aiming for.
At the the end of the day it really didn’t seem to matter. This guy found me, warp scrambled me and proceeded to pod-kill me.
All my preparation seemed to make no difference. And the fact I kept moving/warping to new locations within the system every 10 seconds seemed to make zero difference. This ship found me.
It’s becoming quite hard to actually see any future prospects within EVE at the moment.
And I suspect a large majority would suggest “Join a corp”, though, I don’t see how that would still help me avoid the situations previously mentioned.
Really need some advice/a morale boost at this point.
Thanking you.