Somehow, the idea came to me to create a large station for complete immersion in EVE. I started looking and found only a small, cool keyboard, but nothing on a larger scale.
I want to develop a keyboard the size of a desk with much greater functionality and settings. The goal is that when you sit down at it, you should feel like you’re in a real spaceship.
The main task is to create the maximum immersion in the game. There are many tools for this, limited only by imagination and technical capabilities.
Main ideas:
Modularity and customizability: The keyboard will consist of several slots with removable modular panels that can be taken off and swapped. A panel for mining, a panel for combat, a panel for scanning, and so on.
Modified chair with a vibration generator for added effect.
Interactive screens.
Acoustic system.
There are endless ideas, but I’m still not sure how I’ll implement them.
Several concept arts generated by the neural network.
Let me know what you think about my concept. Would you want something like this? Maybe something similar already exists, and I haven’t found it? What, in your opinion, could be added to such a console?
I’ve thought about doing something cool like that with switches and buttons for overheating, activating modules, warping and jumping, it just is a bit finnicky with how the game works.
Overheat settings reset when jumping and you can’t change it while cloaked, so you might be left with some ON switches when the heat is OFF.
In addition, there’s no way that I’ve found to add custom input devices to the shortcut menus in EVE. You’d have to link them to a key first, like this switch is “B” and it can type B but can also launch probes and scan.
It’d be messy, but it sounds like an awesome project! It could certainly make my heat and capacitor management better in sustained fights.
Ah, I like flip switches. They are always fun to fiddle around with.
While I’m with Mr Epeen here and say that this would fit better for Elite: Dangerous or the like, you do you.
It sounds like a boatload of work. So make sure to post a video when it’s up and running. You surely could get some internets point for it.
Looks good, but ultimately useless for EVE. You can have all the buttons and switches in the world, but you’re still going to have to use a mouse. There’s no getting around it.