Bump, still for sale, 8bil! Online now!
How bout 7.5 bil do I hear 7.5 bil for this sweet miner!
BUMP, will take 7 bil, THATS A STEAL!, need to move this character today!
7 bill B/O lets go! Needs isk for pvp
Still for sale!
Will you take 6b?
Really looking for 7 man
Can you go 6.5?
6 only sorry mate.
Eh screw it im tired of watching the post, I’ll do it.
Righto. Give me a few mins and I’ll transfer Isla and account details in game.
On and ready
Isk and account details sent
Isk received.
We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.
Character Name: l1j
Will be completed after: 12/17/2017 2:48:01 PM
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