IM FOR SALE! 13.6 mil sp Hulk/ Industry/PI

Toon has never left starter corp, has loads of mining skills and can fly hulk about perfect, can fly Transports. Got some decent implants in the head. Lots of good mining drone skills. does have a hefty 600+mil bounty… sry. Located in Dodixie. 1 remap available.

Ill be monitoring if u have any questions.

Make an offer.

6.5 Bil

7 Bil

7.5 Bil

bid retracted. Bought another toon.

Hey guys, had an unexpected expense and won’t be able to do character transfer until Friday. So sorry for delay.

8.5 Bil

Ok I got paid and can afford the transfer now lol, back on the market!

You got it if your still interested, I’ll get with you in game.

Well I’m having trouble getting ahold of other bidders, I’m on and monitoring bids. Still for sale!!!

Still open, wanting to transfer TODAY!

First person online with 8 bil gets me!

Still for sale

8 bil for near perfect Hulk, still for sale! Check the link lots of good stuff online now!

bid retracted

Bump still for sale

Great miner buy me! 8 bil!

Bump still for sale!

Bump still for sale

Still for sale 8 bil or best offer! Transfer today!