Imperial Dreams, one of the founding corporations of Curatores Veritatis Alliance - CVA, is among New Eden’s oldest and most vaunted corporations (founded in June 2003). As Amarrian loyalists, we extend the jurisdiction of the Holy Amarr Empire into the reaches of null-security space in the region of Providence. As supporters of the NRDS (Not Red Don’t Shoot) rules-of-engagement, we are not simply trying to grab a piece of space for ourselves, we are working to build and support an active civilization.
What We Offer:
A corporation with experienced battle pilots, industrialists and alliance leadership
Daily Fleets and Ship Replacement Program
A chance to be part of one of EVE’s oldest corporations and alliances
“Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, in recognition of 14 years of service to Holy Amarr in the Imperial Marches of Providence, is pleased to order that the Curatores Veritatis Alliance be accorded the status of Paladin Wardens of the Providence Marches. The style of Paladin Warden of Providence may be used by capsuleers of the Curatores Veritatis.”
We operate under NRDS ( Not Red, Don’t Shoot ) in all areas of space at all times. This means we will not initiate aggression against any pilot unless they are expressly listed as Kill On Sight (KOS) on the CVA KOS List or they break the laws of Providence.
If you’re looking for a new place to live and new folks to fly with check our recruitment page, drop by to our public in-game chat Guards or ping me for any question you may have.