Monthly and weekly stats for top pvp players and corporations. Most kills, most solo kills, most kills in a frigate, etc.
Special skins limited to the people currently in 1st place.
Awarded medals for getting to 1st place.
Special killmarks for killing people at the top.
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March 18, 2020, 11:17pm
Why does CCP want to reward this activity in particular?
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March 18, 2020, 11:25pm
Leaderboards in any game are pure cancer. No one cares about your e-peen. Keep that ■■■■in Call Of Duty…
blah blah, usual trash, abuse by alts and killboard padding, etc. etc.
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March 18, 2020, 11:32pm
If I want to see who killed who I just look at Zkill…
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because its a sandbox and it doesnt matter how you think people should play the game
because its a sandbox
But this sandbox allows players to use alts and pad their killboard stats. How would your idea counter or prevent such abuse?
i guess their wallet would. If the reward is most capital kills, how many fitted capitals can you burn before you get broke?
If someone wants to burn their ships for a particular spot, let them.
March 19, 2020, 12:21pm
No, because if some destroys a citadel in a WH all the ships inside drop, you can then kill them and get mails for ships that arent even piloted.
because its a sandbox
And what exactly does that have to do with leaderboards?
If anything your suggestion is anti-sandbox because you are advocating “Merry Go Round” style tracking which treats the sandbox as nothing more than a container for PvP and PvE rides.
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We already have this - that’s what the Your Year in Eve video was all about.
In a game like this, CCP can’t just hand out free intel. It either has to be voluntarily offed (zkillboard) or anonymized like those videos did.
That’s all you’re gonna get in a sandbox game like this.
June 17, 2020, 4:52pm
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