Industrial Based C3 Set Up

I’ve got a C3 with Hi-Sec static for sale with the current structures

Azbel - fit for building and capital parts (9.2bn)
Tatara - Fit and rigged for reactions (
Astrahus- Fit for living (4 bn)
Raitaru - Fit for Capital Parts and Invention (1.5bn)
Athanor - T2 rigged fit for refining and moon mining (5bn)
(all prices are just under evepraisal quotes) 36bn

all Pocos for free (system has perfect p4 PI )

this is a great hole for running industrial operations on the side or as a whole corp.
Not in a hurry to get rid of the hole so I’m not looking to unanchor structures to make it cheaper.

And the price is?

asset cost. so structures and cores and standard fits plus what ever else the buyer wants

bumped up

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