Chatelain Auxiliary Response is delighted to announce the anchoring of the Infomorph Wellness Center above the rings of Stacmon V.
This announcement is an introduction to the IWC for potential clients but also an invitation to anyone seeking like-minded collaborators in the field of infomorph healthcare to use the IWC’s facilities.
Please feel to ask any questions not covered by the responses to the FAQs below.
What is the IWC?
The IWC aims to serve two functions:
- hosting a limited but state-of-the-art medical infrastructure offering from Chatelain Biopharma; and
- providing an open platform for third parties wishing to collaborate and innovate in the various fields of physical and mental healthcare for informorphs.
Why is the IWC relevant to me?
Because ‘capsuleer dementia’, as it is sometimes referred to, is a challenge to us all that will only increase as infomorph technology begins to extend our life experience beyond the span of years for which humans are evolved to cope with successfully.
Despite the power and wealth enjoyed by many independent capsuleers and clone soldiers, the unique long term health challenges we face are becoming increasingly clear as the YC 104 Capsuleer Pilot Act and the YC 115 DED Mercenary Infomorph Act approach their third and second decades respectively. The physical and psychological trauma involved in the lives of many infomorphs after graduation is undisputed and recent research has observed the increased prevalence of early life psychological trauma among capsuleer populations.
All informorphs can benefit from a holistic approach to managing long term exposure to trauma. Up to date cloning therapy made possible through Upwell’s STANDUP technology is partial solution but it should be made available within a package that prioritizes wellbeing in all areas.
Those with the inclination may also agree with us that there is an underexplored space for infomorphs themselves to design and deliver elements of this holistic package, rather than rely on the cluster’s corporate giants which are largely focussed on their core non-infomorph markets.
The IWC aims to address both needs.
Why should I trust IWC?
We recognize the sensitive and highly personal nature of healthcare services, particularly for infomorphs. Our clients need to trust both the independence and competence of the operator of a facility such as the IWC.
Chatelain Auxiliary is a non-aligned, client-driven service provider, reflecting the independent natures of both our largest shareholder and our long standing Syndicate-based clients. A track record of reliability and discretion is by far our most valuable asset. We offer this simple fact as the best guarantee that we can be trusted to prioritize serving clients’ interest above all else.
Our engagement with the healthcare sector was prompted by the Intaki crisis of YC 121. Some readers may remember our support of the local medical industry at that time, a project which lead to the creation of Chatelain Biopharma, which in turn led to a research center in Duureanta (Harroule IV), a hospital in Navyi Akat (Intaki Prime) and a manufacturing facility in Syndicate (JQV). During this period CHTBP has invested significant resources in acquiring and developing the technology and personel required to operate the IWC to the highest possible standards.
What is currently available at the IWC?
The IWC has opened with an offering that aims to be a foundation rather than claiming to be complete.
Cloning Center
Chatelain Biopharma operates the IWC’s cloning center. This facility allows clients to engage in a consultation process with our technicians to develop clones specifically tailored to their individual needs whether this involves the management of long term conditions, rehabilitation from specific experiences or simply enjoying the range of recreational options available.
CHTBP is also able to build and install bespoke medical centers and cloning centers at our clients’ own facilities to allow them enjoy all the benefits of the IWC experience closer to home.
Research Center
The IWC also hosts a modular research center. Modules are entirely secure from the operator’s oversight (beyond basic safety controls) and available to all approved users to work on their own research projects with partners of their choosing.
CHTBP is currently working with a partner to explore therapeutic applications of C3-FTM Acid in a solution of khuska oil but this work remains at a very early stage.
Recreation Center
In many ways, the recreation center is at the core of our wellness offering.
[[Credit: Frans Blok]]
Stay at the Kalmintra Tree resort or reserve your own private villa, visit the Rejuvenation Glen (one of Syndicate’s most exclusive spas), relish the culinary delights of Clan Akuma and enjoy the growing range of other amenities on offer.
We are delighted to already host a number of psychotherapy experts from I-RED’s Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute (I-RTI) who are available to help clients with various therapies and counseling services. We are in early discussions with other providers ranging from Amarrian hippotherapy, Vherokior mystic meditation techniques, Achura tea cleansing and contempogrok therapy from the University of Caille.
We very much welcome any and all approaches by others.
So, dock up, install a clone and feel well!