BDO—which Pearl Abyss just pulled back into self-publishing from Kakao—has been losing ground. EVE’s been basically holding stable, or growing a bit. So why would PA screw with that?
CCP basically led the charge w/monetization, 13 years ago, when they introduced the original version of PLEX. When the New Eden Store went in, that trend continued, all without PA being involved. And CCP’s perfectly capable of shooting themselves in the foot all on their own. PA wasn’t in the picture when they turned Rorquals into god-tier mining machines and introduced skill injection at the same time… and CCP was pretty open about the Rorq changes being intended to drive Extractor/Injector demand.
CCP doesn’t need Pearl Abyss to tell them how to CCP. They’ve got Hilmar.
Yup, totally this. I may not be the sharpest tool in the box, but I sure as hell know that doing daft crap and then saying “No it is the children who are wrong” predates PA.
Hell, I seem to recall people saying the sale would help fix CCP…
I’m still optimistic that it might. At the very least, it means CCP’s no longer getting ‘MAXIMIZE MONEY’ orders from the bankers and venture capitalists who were very much running the show before the sale, and owned by people who actually, you know, want to be making computer games.
Because the VC’s very much didn’t. They were just looking for someplace to hide their money during the 2008-9 financial crisis.
I don’t care if someone is playing a role or roleplaying they still end up flying space ships and if a story leads to interesting and exciting game play then it’s all good to me, and I don’t care when I unleashed my weapons of mass destruction if the guy is dressed up as a space ship captain as long as we both have fun.
My point is story’s make our game , whether it’s player made or CCP made , sometimes these stories are hard to find
Not really, the lore has no real effect on gameplay, there is a reason most games have most of their lore as secondary in things like codex’s or collectibles, they know that most people aren’t that focussed on it and they only really force you to see what you “need” to see in order to play the game, in EVE’s case thats pretty much nothing
Its not about it being like the games they previously played, its about the complexity, its the spreadsheets worth of data the game throws at players, its going to deter people
So prove me wrong, over the last 17 years i’ve met a handful of RP groups and their numbers are always dwarfed by everything else, i don’t see people in rookie help constantly asking about the lore, there might be a random question here and there but by no means is it a massive thing, if you want to prove that people care about the lore the burden of proof is on you for that, yes there are some people, but the majority of people straight up don’t care about your RP events, its not what you want to hear but you know its the truth
EVE isn’t those games and even then, i very much doubt the people playing only for the lore are a large portion of the playerbase, i think you massively overestimate the size of your groups
It could but it won’t be, because most people don’t really care about the faction interactions, EVE is about the players and what the players can do to leave their mark, not what the NPC factions do in the background, and its great that you enjoy the RP and CCP will continue to drop you things but expecting it to become a major focus of EVE is unrealistic
Most people don’t care about the lore of the event they only cared about the actual gameplay effects of the event, and i say that as someone who lead fleets during the event, most people only bothered to engage with the content when it directly affected the space they live in, not because of the story but because it was going to change the systems they lived in, it will always be down to “What gameplay change hurts me the least” not an option to actually support a faction
Nobody said there wasn’t a place for lore, just that most players don’t care about it and shoving it in peoples faces isn’t going to change that
Yet CCP is dedicating a quadrant to the lore, seems to say ‘more than just a handful’ are interested in it if you ask me.
On a further note, CCP also seems to disagree with your assessment about ‘people playing roles but not RPing,’ as evidence by some of their statements in the past. you shoot someone in this game, its RP, just as much as sitting in a bar talking cluster politics or shenanigans.
You gonna tell me, straight up, that the designers of the game are wrong about how their game is intended to be?
Truth! RPers are a minority, in the same way any leadership role must be.
The skill to model and digitally paint fantasy spaceships belongs to a relatively elite minority. I doubt you would argue that their contribution to EVE is valueless.
I agree the majority of players are not equipped with the real life thespian leanings to fully enjoy RP.
That makes the minority that do much more valuable and increases the need to educate and equip newcomers to take their place in “forever”.
The bare minimum has been accomplished with the update. The rest is up to the exemplars.
All you’re doing is proving my point. Because the game doesn’t really have those options the only people who continue to play are the ones who really don’t care (which is fine ofc) and the ones for whom it wasn’t an absolute deal breaker (but they’d enjoy it if that content was there).
So if you’re saying “the players I know don’t care” then a) that’s an exaggeration as you can’t know for sure and most importantly b) you’re in that echo chamber, full of like-minded people for whom it wasn’t a deal breaker.
They dedicated an entire triglavian invasion to the lore technically, doesn’t mean there are that many of you, even the minority deserves an expansion every now and then
That doesn’t mean they are correct, playing a role and roleplaying are 2 very different things, you can do one without the other or you can do both
No but i can tell you that they also seem to duffer with telling the two things apart, its an easy mistake to make
Those are 3D artists you’re talking about, i value them the same as i do the other technical specialists who worked on the game, but not because they contribute to anything RP related, the majority of people don’t fly ships for lore reasons they fly them because they are effective at doing the job they want to perform
Yeah most of us just don’t see the point, like i said if you enjoy it then carry on doing it
Not really, educating people isn’t going to make them suddenly start liking it, if someone doesn’t like fish you don’t force them to eat fish in order to “educate and equip” them, if they don’t like what you’re selling they aren’t going to like it regardless
Living in denial isn’t going to change the facts, you can harp on about it being super important all you like but if it were then it would be the focus of the game because that would be what was retaining players, its extremely simple economics
I mean, you’re welcome to attempt to prove they are the same thing or prove that you can’t do one without doing the other, i suspect you might actually find that extremely difficult however
Nope. Not difficult at all. Playing a role is role-playing, just like adding two numbers is addition. How you phrase it doesn’t change anything. When you play The Witcher, or Skyrim, or Cyberpunk 2077, that’s a role-playing game. You’re role-playing, even if you don’t really care about the story, you just want to beat up monsters/bad guys.
Just because you’re only doing it superficially, or staying in denial about what you’re doing, that doesn’t make it any less role-playing.
Nope, roleplaying is done as an entity, i’m not playing the role of me, i am me, the role i’m playing is whatever activity i’m performing at the time, i can play the role of a miner but not roleplay as a miner because i’m still just being me, the difference is very simple
No you’re just playing the role of the main character, sure you can get deep in to it and roleplay and pick choices you think reflect the character you want to play by picking specific answers to questions or specific behaviours or going down a specific route, however, you can also just play the game as if it were you in those scenarios and choose like you would in person, at that point you’re not roleplaying as you can’t roleplay yourself, you can however play the role of yourself
Sure it does, like i’ve explained above, you’re free to disagree but at the end of the day you don’t roleplay as yourself
No, you do that from the beginning through the end of every day.
Hell, daily life is just an exercise in roleplaying. Meeting expectations, changing your behavior depending on different social roles and appropriate standards in different situations… and it’s not like ‘you’ is a concrete entity in the first place. The human mind is a lie, told by itself to itself to justify the decisions the meat is making without ever looping the conscious mind into the conversation.
Yeah, you roleplay yourself. And a lot of the time, you do it badly.
Discerning art from performance is at the heart of this debate.
I do not care for such distinctions and choose to believe artistry adds value that mediocrity never could.
If you think it’s not, you should talk to mental health professionals and experts on how the mind works. ‘You’ is a complete illusion. ‘You’ is basically an amalgam of low-resistance electrochemical pathways, resulting in an emergent process that maintains a running synthesis of sensory data that’s… well… wrong, because it’s always operating 8-10ms in the past, while the body’s reacting before the mind gets there. An example:
In a game of baseball, you’re playing right field. You’re some 300ft from the batter when he hits a line drive in your direction, but not right at you. You see him hit the ball, and you hear the crack of the bat, and you take off running, tracking the ball so you can catch it. Except…
The light reflecting off the batter, bat, and ball hit your eyes in 0.0000003 of a second. There’s roughly a 0.008s delay in getting the signal from eye to brain. That’s when your body starts reacting. But the sound of the bat hitting the ball takes 0.26s to get to your ears. And yet… your awareness of the two is simultaneous. Because your brain is handling all of the actual job of determining your actions, while your mind is just reconciling all of it into a cohesive record.
And here’s the thing: your body is doing some pretty fast math to judge velocity, trajectory, wind speed, humidity, and all of the other factors that tell it where that ball will be, when to put the glove out, when to dive… all ahead of when your conscious mind is aware of your body doing it, even if you don’t know that math. Because obviously, the brain’s not doing it as math. It’s doing it as awareness, on a level… ‘you’ really never parse.
You don’t have a really good sense of how fast the breeze is blowing. You know there’s a breeze, but can you put a number on wind speed? Or on the humidity? Doubtful. But you still catch that ball.
‘You’ had nothing to do with it. Your body reacted the way the brain has been trained to react. ‘You’ were just there to record it, come up with excuses, and play the role. That’s basically how everything in your life happens. Just like everything in everyone else’s life. Consciousness is an illusion. As a result, conscious choice is, too. All you’re doing is playing the role of ‘you’.
Emotions are just the interaction of the electrochemical pathways of the brain and the hormones they trigger to be released. As a wise businesswoman once said, we are living in a material world. There is no empirical evidence for anything beyond the physical.