I dunno that it’s the lack of content. I think it’s all the extra hoops to jump through with agents and missions having to deal with all of the… well… high-seccers. Yikes.
FOB’s will be the same as pirate Sotiyos in nullsec, just nerfed in risk and reward because highsec. This is why they fukking developed a Fleet Commander AI, they needed it to give nullsec cartels some farmable content when they’re vacationing in high.
Anything to try to get co-operative play going in hisec is a good thing, if you want to be negative about it than that is your issue.
The farmers, who i keep refering to, are people who do not care about anyone’s fun. They trample upon content, for the sake of making isk. They negatively influence faction warfare and they whine about not being able to farm in 100% peace.
You aren’t like that, right? I’m not like that either! Nullsec has a lot of them, just like highsec does. I guess the top of the ladder are fw farmers in their warpstabbed frigates, who at least dare entering lowsec.
I am beginning to wonder, if Dinsdale isn’t just jealous of the money and wants to farm it in peace in highsec.
Adding new missions remotely ressembling content developed in 2017 not 2003 would do more for highsec population and new player retention than all the stupid crap CCP has been adding to highsec for the last years.
CCP is just clueless about highsec. Probably it’s the only thing that didn’t change after 2011, and here we are. CCP still develops stuff they woud like the players to use, rather than bloody develop what players have been using for 14 years and still use.
They didn’t update standings tab for nothing.
I play MMO’s for group content. Outside of Incursions there’s no other PVE content that doesn’t severely punish a group for, well, grouping.
There’s a distinct need for group content here that can be run with L3 and L4 capable ships and skills. Obviously it shouldn’t pay out nearly as well as Incursions but should be comparable to the equivalent rewards you get from agent missions.
I do solo content. As an introvert I need alone time. But if all I did was solo content then there are single-player games that do it so much better than any MMO can hope to.
Highsec doesn’t needs cooperative content. There’s the whole rest of the game for it.
CCP has had years to figure -or at least ask- why do peoplw play and stay in highsec. Cooperative PvE is what CCP would like, not what highsec players need. It’s top-down dessign without even asking the players, in the best tradition of pre-incarna hubris.
Which is why I say we need more information about the FOBs. If they’re a scaled-down (and much much more common) version of the pirate ECs (with reasonable drops), then that’s exactly what you’re asking for. The EC’s AI can still be outwitted, but it’s flexible as hell, and keeps a group on their toes a fair bit more than say, the sansha mothership.
Same with the Resource Wars thing. There’s no information out there to be making judgments on ‘jesus, stop giving us the 2003 stuff’ over.
Different groups and players in highsec want different things. A fair number of HS groups don’t want to have to deal with all of the PvP baggage of low/null/j-space, but do want cooperative play that isn’t ‘let me run across hell’s half-acre to get to an incursion’ and still isn’t ‘oh, look, Worlds Collide IV… again…’
Like I said: Few will engage with that content if it screws up standings either directly or derived.
Well, there WAS a rumor that standings were to be modified so it was impossible to have good standings with all four empires as rising standings with one would sink them even faster with the others.
As you say, yes, that would mean that no highsec PvEr would touch the thing with a ten foot pole. Unless the idiot standing system applied to missions too, in which case CCP would achieve to kill highsec once and forever.
In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of CCP Games, every purchase of a ticket to both Fanfest 2017 and EVE Vegas 2017 will be rewarded with a Marshal class CONCORD Battleship.
Under CONCORD command, the Marshal is the last word in maintaining interstellar peace. Flown by the most seasoned and experienced CONCORD pilots, it has remained the mainstay vessel of CONCORD for almost a century and will prove a formidable opponent, even with its CONCORD mandated weapons hardware stripped out.
The Marshal will be distributed after EVE Vegas 2017, in a winter release.
Will the ship become available without getting a Fanfest / EVE Vegas ticket, by other means ?
Root cause analysis seems to be their weak spot. Instead of doing the hard work of trying to figure out why features go unused or what motivates PvE players they seem to operate on assumption. As their design people look to be very PvP focused those assumptions are usually hilariously off the mark.
Market for ISK and Project Discovery as a reward.
Resource wars will be cooperative content. Thus they are useless to address the lack of highsec content.
Highsec content must be:
- doable in less than an hour login to logout
- dependable (you’re rewarded each time you do it)
- rewarding (in any sense: isk OR fun OR chitchatting OR doing other things while you EVE)
- allow suboptimal tactics, aka reward creativity (say, run Level 4s in T2 frigates for the lulz)
- must be expanded regularly to avoid staleness
CCP hasn’t added anything like the above in 8 years. Most of what they’ve done downright fails in ALL regards, the lucky ones just fail in 3 of 5.
Well, highsec and PvE often have been redesigned according to people who neither play in highsec nor do PvE. People like the CSM, fanfest attendees, bloggers, uberalliances and forum trolls…
I mean, the only time highsec had a CSM, it was Mike Azariah, and that guy plays PvE in PvP fits…
Underwhelming, unfortunately as expected. It’s sad CCP still doesn’t get that more AI content is a waste of dev time.
Well, see, if you’re looking for fun solo content that takes less than an hour? You’re not really looking for an MMO. MMOs are, by their nature, time sinks. Nor will developers ever be able to keep ahead of thousands of players devouring their content, until and unless they go with a fully procedural content generation system…
And again, if these things are like the ECs… that looks like the direction they’re headed: the objective looks at what you brought, and tailors opposition to fit. But it’s always going to be more effective to bring more people. Period. I mean, the ECs are a great example. Optimally, you only need X number of guys, and anything more than that is asking for trouble… unless all of the guys above X are in Guardians, in which case, the more you add, the safer everyone is.
Then it becomes a question of time and numbers vs reward, and right now, the rewards for the EC are… well, they’re pretty weak. 2 BPCs for 200+ man-hours of work? Not exactly good incentive, definitely not something that divides up well between the members of at least 2 fleets. Really, they should put the bounties back in, but cap how much the bounties on the EC can pay out to any one pilot per day.
So yeah, they’ve got a lot to learn about PvE design… but they do seem to be trying.
I think you seriously underestimate how much some folks in nullsec PvE. Now, if you want to say we don’t do a lot of mission running? Well… yeah, because of that whole ‘content designed in 2003’ thing you mentioned. It gets dull, real fast.
We’d like a decent toolset of PvE gameplay options, too, you know?