Introducing The Winter Expansion - EVE Online: Lifeblood


highsec needs all the content it can get.

You’re angry, because it’s not your content, and you don’t give a damn about anyone else.

So why, in Bob’s glorious name, should anyone give a rats ass about what you want? :slight_smile:


wonder what’s this…

other than that sounds good, I don’t PvP anyway

I mean, apart from Steve Ronuken, a guy who plays in Hisec and dabbles in Lowsec PvP

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Yeah, the Marshal is almost definitely going to be at level 300, and its SKIN at 350. The last increase on the current tier rewards is +50 from 200 to 250, and the pattern for rewards so far goes:

Apparel, Apparel, Ship, SKIN, Apparel, Apparel, Ship, SKIN, Apparel, Apparel, ???, ???

So I’d bet heavily on the next tiers being 300, 350, 400, and 500, increasing by +100 for the rest up to 1000 to have a total of 20 tiers. I made a prediction thread actually, complete with a cool graphic to show how I’m betting things might go for PD: [Project Discovery] Predictions for future Tier Rewards and Ranks


The inspiration for the new design.


It’s like that plus a shark haha, and I’m pretty happy with the mix cause it looks super nice, regardless of how useful it’ll be


Though no additional bonus on using an Astrahaus with T2 rigs is evident on SISI

Knock knock Arrendis, this is Reality knocking on your door: MMO players are dead. They married, had children, got more pressing matters than grinding 1,500 hours to achieve a virtual prize. Themeparks adapted by relieving the grind to be ludicrously fast, and EVE… well, EVE has decided that being a nolifer’s wet dream is exactly their “core” value and busy players be damned.

As for PvE, they’re trying to learn, you mean? No, they’re rubbing their developer egos by making obscure tooolsets and advanced AIs that serve nothing to address the needs of players. CCP Larrikin got an impressive resume booster with the FC AI. Nevermind its experimental implementation is largely ignored and extending it to highsec will be ignored by even more people -the guy’s got a badge in his resume, that’s what EVE development has become since CCP implemented OKR for their sprint teams.

EVE is videogame you PAY FOR every month, in one way or another. Excuse me to think that it should be a little receptive to ALL player interests, rather than be pushed in whatever direction developers can pitch their latest bright idea. :no_good_woman:

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While I appreciate CCP doing anything for Hisec ,especially after the long drought we have been going through these many years, I fear that their past record in regards to Hisec group/solo content has been less than stellar. It’s like when your kid so many years ago fabricated an ashtray/penny container for kindergarden you didn’t need or want and you smiled and said “thank you, just what I wanted,great job!” just to encourage them to not give up and keep trying new things.

Well, CCP, “thank you, just what I wanted, great job”, but EVE is a teenager now and we expect better things from you.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Yiole…are you saying that these FOB’s are Incursion-like?
Wonderful…I wonder when CCP does a press release where they state “our game is not for solo casual players. Go give your money to someone else.”

I simply cannot fathom the thought processes of CCP management.

We are? Hang on while I tell all the folks I play with that we’re dead. I know my doctor’ll be surprised, but hey, it does mean I can dial back the diabetes meds and cancel my cataract surgery, right? Also avoids minor stuff like worry about the price of gas, I guess, too.

It is, huh? Keep thinking that. :wink:


you responded to yourself there…

Considering there’s no actual information on them, if that’s what Yiole’s saying, it’d be about as accurate to say that the FOBs are going to be identical to the recent Agency sites: warp in, kill 1 ship, get loot.

Until there’s more data, there’s no reason to leap to any conclusions.

From their description, looks like they’re similar to the pirate shipyards in nullsec. So probably expect pirate NPCs attacking in coordinated fashion under the new fleet comanding AI so they’ll require a organized fleet with appropiate tactics and fits and a competent FC in order to get the rewards.

A bit like Incursions, yes, probably with less rewards but all in all will end up being good for 3% of highseccers and useless for the other 97%… exactly as Incursions, too.

And i cannot fathom your thought process most of the time, so…

Sooo, let me get this straight, Lifeblood expansion will include another balance pass on Frigates, Destroyers and Cruisers? Come on man, just exactly how many times does that need to be done? Judging from past changes done by CCP, I expect another round of nerfs requiring players to spend even more ISK for refit.

New Moon Mining mechanics, forcing players to do mining activity in-game is not in the spirit of sandbox game play. Granted Null Sec Alliance won’t have much problem protecting their Moon mining ships in Sov controlled Systems but still, forcing players to partake in game play content they don’t want to do is just wrong.

Resource Wars Event in High Sec space, gathering resources for Empire Factions and even though all of the specifics are unknown, doing PvE combat with various Empire Factions. Sorry but I definitely don’t want to destroy all my years of hard work achieving and maintaining positive standings with all Empire Factions.

Obviously CCP wants players to do mining content. I’m sorry but as I said before, forcing players to engage in content they don’t want to do definitely goes against the sandbox premise of this game. To be truthful in my opinion all of this seems like it’s main intention is to create more targets for gankers.

Forward Operating Bases, basically Fleet content which will mainly be capitalized and engaged in by Corporation and Alliance members. Definitely game play content not intended for solo players.

Warzone Extraction Event, complete tasks by doing battle against Drifter NPC’s. Sorry but ever since Drifters were first added to the game I have never engaged combat against them for the sole reason of remaining neutral to them in standings.

Add in some more tweaks to visual graphics and UI design changes and that’s pretty much it. Gotta say I’m definitely dismayed by this and a little bit perturbed as well. Another expansion with no content directed towards solo / casual players.


Having done both the BR EC and incursions… the two are about as similar as a puppy and a lump of granite. There’s calcium in both of them, but past that?

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New pirate Forward Operating Bases – or FOBs – have been spotted across New Eden, creating new opportunities for groups of likeminded capsuleers to band together and work toward driving out the threat.

Scan them down and hit them hard to reap the rewards from defeating hostile forces."

Just read the description…

You must be a null sec F1’er. Anyone with a whit of awareness of the high sec casual player (still most of the player base) understands where I am coming from.

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Given that it’s specifically being done with alphas in mind, I’d expect to see less nerfs and more ‘every race has viable options now’. Because right now, it’s Gallente alpaca or go the hell home.

Nobody’s forcing anyone to partake in game play they don’t want to. You don’t have to mine moons. Plenty of people don’t do it now. Some groups may tell you that you have to, but that’s the group forcing it, not CCP. CCP’s just taking a passive activity that’s literally ‘login 10m once a week, collect buttload of money’ to an active type of play.

Standings don’t matter with Drifters. They don’t care if your standings are neutral. If you’re where they’ll shoot people, they’ll shoot you. If you’ve got a corpse in the hold, they’ll shoot you. If you’ve killed 50 of them over 2 hours with a small group in a low-sec system and have terrible standings, but you’re not where they’ll shoot people? They ignore you. So on that front, you’re saying in effect ‘Take a rocket to the moon? Sorry, but ever since I noticed it up there, I have never flapped my arms, so I wouldn’t have the moon crash on my head.’

It’s literally that level of ‘utterly meaningless concern’.