Introducing The Winter Expansion - EVE Online: Lifeblood

Seriously I don’t care what you think, obviously you’re proactive about CCP and their recent changes to the game.

Also if Drifter standings didn’t matter then they wouldn’t be entered in the NPC standings list.

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Every faction has standings attached, just by being entered into the faction database (which they’d have to be to show as a consistent corporation/alliance). That’s just how the code’s obviously structured.

And yeah. I’m ‘proactive’ about CCP. I mean, I assume you’re misusing that word to mean I’m supportive of all their recent changes. We’ll just ignore the fact that ‘proactive’ means “creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened”, and in this context you’d be saying that I act before CCP does, about their game changes… which’d be a trick, really.

So let’s take it in the ‘you’re supportive of CCP and their recent changes to the game’ meaning you used, despite the word not actually meaning that… Sure. That’s why @CCP_Falcon actively despises me, because I’m such a booster.


No, you’re wrong, the actual context of how I’m using the word ‘Proactive’ is this:

serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory:
proactive measures against crime.

In other words, you post replies contrary to those who voice negative viewpoints about CCP and their current game direction. In doing so, you try to portray their viewpoints as wrong while promoting a positive viewpoint about CCP’s game direction. I think you’re an alt character created specifically to bolster and encourage positive viewpoints by trying to invalidate any negative remarks about CCP and their current game direction.

As for Drifter Standings, all the other NPC Factions (Concord recently excluded) in the standings list have agents or some sort of game mechanic enabling players to gain positive standings with them. I imagine sometime in the future CCP will probably incorporate Drifter Agents into the game as well, possibly when they add Player Built Stargates which is suppose to open up new areas of space.

In anticipation of that, I have no intention of incurring negative standings towards Drifter NPC’s.

… my sides… in orbit.

Welp, that’s enough internets for me today.



I hate u ccp

You’re really that dumb? Here, let me tell you who I am.

Feel free to look for more articles under that author. Educate yourself, before writing a sequal to the Three Musketeers, Mr. Dumas.


So, you write big walls of text noone reads, and they pay you for it?


Nope. Editors don’t get paid for articles.

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So you are a member of the biggest null sec cartel, or at the very least, a part of their propaganda arm.
Yeah, that makes you an expert on the high sec experience.


Flying with the alliance attached to this character is one of the things I do in EVE, yes. I also live in wormholes, run missions, mine ore and ice in highsec as well as null, and do incursions across all three security levels.

Keep on trying to pigeonhole people. It makes you look real smart. :wink:

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Ahhh, so you’re just another alliance character who goes out of their way demeaning others on the forums in an attempt to portray yourself as the all knowing done it all Eve Player when all you really do is meta-game CCP in order to solidify and encourage game changes that not only benefit your play style but also the type of game content you engage in as well.

As far as your literary works, I have no interest in reading the ravings of a CCPlease fanboy.


I can’t properly comment on the expansion content as we will have to see it in full extent first to judge, but I share the sentiment of some of the other people in that this doesn’t sound too exciting for someone playing solo and in short bursts.

I do like to comment on the Marshal, though: IMO it looks terrible compared to the concept art. The 3d model seems longer, not as tall and the top fin is to short. The booster-like attachments near the fins were meant to be more prominent, too. The concept art looks simply beefier and thus a bit more imposing, meaner. I guess the big central cyber-eye-light-thingy on the front is gone too?
3d model does indeed look more like a vacuum cleaner accessory. Maybe it’s just the perspective, but it is quite a let down after the cool looking concept pictures.

And where the heck is a remodel for the Helios? That ship almost single-handedly killed my interest in exploration.

P.s.: maybe I shouldn’t worry too much about Marshal’s visuals as it won’t be useful in PVE just like the other Concord ships and with the price tag maybe about just one or two hundred people of all of EVE’s playerbase will actually use them in pvp?

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Yep. That’s totally it. No confirmation bias at work there, while you refuse to look at indications that might run counter to your pre-existing conclusions, is there?

You do you, man. Don’t let those nasty facts get in your way!


I like it, I admit I was hoping for more than some additional co-op mission-type content in highsec, but I’ll take it, highsec did BADLY need some co-op content that doesn’t require all lvl 5 skills and a BLING-fit faction battleship gank-magnet to do it. God knows level 4 missions are too damn easy to provide any challenge whatsoever, so we did need something between face-roll easy lvl 4’s, and small armada of multi-billion isk bling-fit battleship content.

I’d love to have a reason to do some pve content with a few corp mates as long as the rewards match.


Now THAT would be meaningful!

NPE = New Player Experience

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Doing some highsec doesn’t qualifies you to understand the people who only does highsec. People which usually are very quiet and just vote with their feet… You can see their footprint at the PCU. Probably next year the average will be below 30k and white knights will come up with yet more fanciful ad-hoc excuses. And EVE will keep shrinking and fading into irrelevance as CCP devs in charge of highsec and PvE develop their ego rather than what players need.


You’re kidding right? Look at the bonuses. They were obviously designed for sec repair.

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all going to come down to how standings are effected. people who have worked on these for years are not going to buy into this.

hell i know people that gave up on EVE becasue of how the standings worked, restriction into any space is not the lifeblood of any gamer that seeks NPC content and enjoys keeping the balance with all empires/factions.

new stations, yes please :slight_smile:

new moon mining, yes please :slight_smile:

another balance pass on frigs, oh dear :wink:

mining for empire, sounds a lot like faction warfare, interested but worried it will be pointless and too damaging to standings which will turn players off it.

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