Is EVE in its death throws?

We don’t usually agree on something … but now we do.


I’ve never had anything against you and you know that. Always been supporting of your Bus, even gave you ISK iirc … but still, we’re at a point now where I’m wondering if giving new players even more, to make it even easier for them, isn’t actually counter productive.

The bus was absolutely appropriate during times when new players had it hard, but nowadays entry into the game is really, really easy and losing things isn’t actually hurting them anymore at all considering how easy it is to make ISK/stuff and how they’re being showered with freebies.

Saying that there’s still new players who have it hard is true, yeah, but when they’re having a hard time fitting a round peg into a square hole then MAYBE the problem isn’t the game and MAYBE keeping them around isn’t good for the game in general?

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CCP is finally just getting around to discussing imposing some kind of limit on Alpha characters (no access to L5 courier missions) to address rampant botting. If it wasn’t already apparent that CCP has no way of dealing with bots, this latest development should be an eye opener.

It would not surprise me in the least if this gets expanded to L4 missions and we see some kind of restrictions on operating Faction ships.

Again, too little and several years late.

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Not sure why you think it’s too late. At least in the context of EVE, there’s no too-late. The game can live on, potentially forever, because it has the unique ability (not sure how to word that any better) to just keep staying alive and attracting people to live on forever.

Though, to be fair, it’ll live on as a shadow of its former glory, filled with simple minded people who are easily baited and milked … and that’s why I believe it’s not “too late”, because there’s no limit to the amount of under developed addicts out there.

Yes you want this…but while you “keep the game as it is” people that are annoyed by “this game” leave in masses for whatever reason you may state at least THIS is a fact you have to admit…

You also have to admit that something beside a “carry on as the last 15 years” has to be done shall the playerloss not continue…

And to learn from the games that are successful on the market is NOT part of a solution and does NOT come to your mind ?

Are you listening to what you’re stating?

And are you able to face that you are wrong with it if you use just a little bit of common sense?

This is like saying “People may be dying jaywalking but why wait for a green light? We did this jaywalking thing for 15 years now,nothing has happened since”…that’s not just unreasonable, that’s stupid to the core.

Fanatism does not help here…just the voice of reason…

Yea, they introduced Alphas and Injectors based on that argument.

And then look what happened, compare current numbers with before, it’s like night and day.
It was 40k players almost every night on primetime, now we barely get 25k, 30k on weekends if we’re lucky, and likely going down.

If they’d stayed true and developed core gameplay and listened to their community more, instead of worrying about external numbers so much and about giving better entry access tools to newer players, then the game would’ve more or less stayed its course and grown, and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Once you reduce the needed attention span needed to play a game, you likely reduce the need to play the game and to learn more about it over time. If you make it too easy to play and learn, people will simply pick it up, learn to play fast, get bored and not commit, hence leave.

Alphas and Injectors enabled that kind of casual mentality, and now numbers are simply flowing out of game, as predicted.


Yes they stopped WAY too early becoming weak knees,fearing their own courage…way to less of a change and only half baked…they should have ended PVP in high as the alphas go live…

Would have been more reasonable…

Once you reduce the needed attention span needed to play a game, you likely reduce the need to play the game and to learn more about it over time. If you make it too easy to play and learn, people will simply pick it up, learn to play fast, get bored and not commit, hence leave.

Alphas and Injectors enabled that kind of casual mentality, and now numbers are simply flowing out of game, as predicted.

So no, your idea of a result growing in numbers will not be what you expect with how you envision the game. It will be the opposite, meaning less and less dedicated people.

“Because what should not be not has to be”?

Which of the fortune tellers in your local subway told you that? :slight_smile:

At which point of the last 15 years this was tried so you have to be sure of it will not work?

No, what would have been reasonable is not introduce Alphas or Injector feature, AT ALL, and stick with subscriptions, even perhaps by reducing its price a little.

It is because of Alpha change that Hisec became a much more rampant freekill ganking space at no effort.

“Because what should not be not has to be”?

Which of the fortune tellers in your local subway told you that? :slight_smile:

At which point of the last 15 years this was tried so you have to be sure of it will not work?

It was tried with UO, Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest, to name a few …

With Eve, it’s being tried with Injectors, Alphas, microtransactions, and soon possibly more. It’s about making the game more “accessible”, “esasier to get into”, “easier to learn”, “casual” “less daunting”, "less complex "…

All these make for more quick gameplay without much needed commitment, but commitment was what shaped the game and big alliances that you currently see ingame over 15 years.

If all you cater to on the long term is the safety of a pool of casual Abyssal site runners in hisec, then the game will for sure tank, and you might as well reduce the game’s size to just Hisec and remove null and lowsec alltogether, as those spaces will not be played in anymore as they require a level of commitment not found in any other modern games.


Well I can confirm I just cancelled my 2 Accounts. Tired of the crap people bullies trash talk. Not going to support it anymore. The players made this decision by being, well Eve players. I was averaging 80usd easily each month and now that is gone as well. So enjoy the empty game you are making for yourselves.


CCP squandered EVE to devote their efforts into projects like WoD, Dust 514, Valkyrie and Nova. One can make the argument that resources weren’t diverted away from EVE, but this is a hollow argument.

Even if this was largely true, CCP took on the debt for these failed ventures which directly impacted EVE in terms of the massive numbers of staff layoffs and talent exodus over the years. CCP simply wasn’t able to retain or attract the kind of talent to realize EVE’s potential. How long did it take to upgrade the server hardware? Aside from that major upgrade and braindead-in-a-box, can anyone recall anything similarly ambitious that CCP has embarked upon in recent memory?

Employee count at CCP has been capped at 250 with the PA acquisition, so how could anyone possibly believe that things will improve for EVE? Team security consists of 2 people! I would be surprised if there were more than 100 actual devs still at CCP (including designers, programmers and artists) and I suspect the number is far less.

We also have no idea how much CCP is internally allocating resources to any of PA’s endeavours (multiplayer), so the dev teams may actually have been stripped bare and the bare minimum alloted to EVE. There is no road map and there hasn’t been any kind of major announcement (other than the sale) in well over a year.

EVE is dead and finished. CCP has been acquired, so their only motivation is coming up with new ways to milk the playerbase to meet their revenue targets and receive their second bonus payout. Many players are finally coming around to this realization because it’s now blatently apparent that CCP just doesn’t care anymore.


Its because we dont have Walking in Stations! \o/

As i said…half baked…inconsequent and not thought through…go the full way if you want it all and don’t stop on the track if you want to win a race…

This is about maximum casuality not less…less would the the killer of this game…

Balos Offline of course
What else? :joy::joy::joy:

Balos afk mining watching netflix/porn

Peace at last …

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Is Eve in it’s death throes?

Well, my last prognostication didn’t pan out, although I guess you could say that chart did predict when CCP was sold to PA. Maybe I’ll try to do something similar with forum and/or Reddit activity to get a revised estimate.

But my hot take: Eve is dying now, for reals, at least when it comes to the great game it was. The die has been cast, all the relevant decision points past, and the downward trajectory probably irreversible now. But we aren’t in some death throes yet. That would imply radical changes, desperate decisions, and/or in-game chaos. Instead, we are still gently sliding into the murk, panic not yet having set in.

And it may not for years still. Good management will just pare back the development efforts and keep the boat steady as long as possible. Let people exit quietly by the doors while gently milking the remainder as long as possible, and not spark a stampede that will end things in a cataclysmic fail cascade over a few months.

I think they really tried, but it is hard to argue they succeeded in re-igniting the game over the last years. They chose monetization over gameplay, farmers over content, and trying to be all things to everyone rather than focusing on their core fans, and while maybe Eve would already be dead if they didn’t, it has cost the game its soul.

Things without souls are rather unsettling, even if people can’t put their finger on the reason why. It seems a long shot to me that Eve is ever going to grow again in the unsettling condition it has arrived at.


We’re still around, we just specifically don’t respond to garbage threads like this when they appear for the 1,000,000,000,000,000th time in the last fifteen years.

Closing this one, it’s done to death, and there’s already a thread open on it that’s seeing regular traffic.