Is EVE Online dead?

Is EVE Online dead? After a few years away from EVE, I wanted to check back in to see how the game had changed over the years. It’s shocking how little is going on. During my 50 jumps to Jita to check the market situation, I only saw 2 player ships. The systems are deserted. Is everyone just playing in low/0 sec now, or has the player count drastically dropped?


Yeah EVE went into archive mode a few years ago, you can still login but that’s about it.

I took a Viator of Manticores from Jita to a null sec pocket in Syndicate an hour ago and there were at least 200 other player ships on my route.

Troll better.


Deader than ever.

EVE, much like Jeff Epstein, didn’t kill itself…

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Woot caught this early

Is EVE Online Dead thread #292839203882

Getting my popcorn and chair! I wonder if someone might knock over my chair… :wink:

:chair: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Who knows. :thinking: :innocent: :blush:

watch out for the frostpacker… or now i should say shopkeeper


Maybe he will attempt to steal the chair to sell it in his wood shop. :eyes: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk:


There were hundreds of us, watching you.

But we were cloaked.


Why would you make 50 jumps just to check on the market? No Jita trade alt? No third-party market browsers? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue: :popcorn:


Did you connect to a test server by error?

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You were obviously carrying a consignment of baloney. There’s usually at least 100 ships outside Jita 4:4 itself. You’ll find a dozen or so at Sobaseki or Perimeter. And there’s all those Ospreys and Griffins of AG people lurking along the trade routes.

Yes, EVE is dead since 2003.07.30 19:45:00…

…joking ofc :wink:

Source: EVE Fanfest 2023 Keynote


Solipsism is the belief that you are the only human being who has ever existed; all others are the inventions of your imagination. The good news is, since I am playing, Eve Online is alive and well. The bad news, I am sorry to say, none of you exist.

Have fun!

Almost. The fact is everyone’s a Frostpacker alt, including you. :eyes:

:wink: :thinking: :blush:


Yup EVE is dead, that’s why they’ve started several new game projects, have consistent expansions, and thousands of ships dying each week! /s



its the Daft crimson harvest ganking event… a lot of people i knew jsu tnever bothered logging in or just didnt bother doing what they normally done in eve like hauling their stuff or doing missions.

but talk to others and they will claim the event is the most amazing thing to happen in plex online sponsored by visa, the mission hub which is usally bustling now dead with 1-4 people…
but hey this is what the playerbase wanted tho right?