Is Matar hollow ? Sensational claims made

Funny how a thread about a hollow planet can turn so lewd.


Funny, but, maybe not funny “ha ha.”


Ms. Jenneth, it was you who made the false accusation that I give over to destruction all bloodlines with whom I had carnal knowledge, and so I was forced to defend myself.

There is no such thing as maya, and Achuran monism generally is a damnable heresy. The True Faith is strictly dualist.

It was mostly a joke, Mr. Nauplius. Just a kind of irritable one.

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The come to me and i will show you how two become one.

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Next thing people will say is that the universe is flat.

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It’s because of the holes :smiley:


And I didn’t even have to say anything first!

It is from Gutter Press though, quite frankly I’m surprised it didn’t actually start out lewd and then sink from there…

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1+1=1? That is too perverse even for me I think. :thinking:

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Not really hard to imagine, actually. It all depends on how you define the addition. For example, if I rewrite it as:
c+c=c, does it look familiar?
If you have an object, flying relative to you with speed of light ( c ), and you start another object from that object with speed of light ( c ) (relative to that flying object), what will be speed of the second object relative to you? Yep, same speed of light ( c ).

Now, how is it even possible mathematically? Again, very easy: you define addition of speed as v = (v1+v2) / (1+ v1 * v2/c²) where v1 and v2 are velocities you need to add.
The speed of light c is rudely approximately 3x10^8 m/s.
So, if first object moves with speed 2 m/s and other object with speed 3 m/s, you will get:
v = (2+3 )/ (1+2 * 3/3²*10^16) = 5/ (1+ 10^(-16) * 2/3), but 10^-16 is sooo little number, so you get approximately 5/1 = 5, just like 2+3=5
But… technically, it will be 4.99999999999999966(6) m/s

Now, here comes fun part. What will be c+c?
v = c+c/(1+(c*c)/c²) = (2c)/( 1 + c²/c²) = (2c)/(1+ 1) = 2c/2 = c

Okay, a bit less fun, a half of c and a half of c:
v = (0.5c + 0.5c)/(1 + 0.5c*0.5c/c²) = 1c / (1 + 0.5²) = c/1.25 = 0.8c

A bit unexpected, right? And now back to the fun: 0.5c and c:
v = (0.5c+ c)/(1+0.5c*c/c²) = 1.5c/(1+0.5) = c

How cool is that?
Now, lets go further, what will be 1+c, where c is 3x10^8? But we don’t even need to use this large number! Look:
v = (1 + c)/(1 + 1*c/c²) = (1+c)/(1+1/c). Well, what is 1+1/c? 1 is c/c, so, 1+1/c = c/c + 1/c = (c+1)/c.
And thus v = (1+c)/ [(c+1)/c] = c!

Anything you add to c becomes c! Do you like it?
You both should come to me and I’ll show you way more! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Well, that is genuinely scary. :scream:

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Now, I’m no gynaecologist, but I’m pretty sure if things are approaching at the speed of light, someone’s going to have a bad day.


Now i am thinking about Kim and her Leviathan plushy and me with my Chimera (old version) one.

I want to see you doing math on top of you plushy Kim.


Can be kept much easier just by working in binary (idempotent law in boolean algebra):

1 + 1 = 1
1 + 1 + 1 = 1
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1




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