PG/CPU was mentioned because of the issues fitting other common types of modules which people then also go on about. Not about lack of CPU for a survey scanner.
I’m sorry you weren’t able to work out it was a generic comment.
You. Saying exactly that. Just now.
That is literally you saying precisely what you are now denying having said.
Like I said, so sorry you were unable to actually understand what I was saying at the time.
And here we see a clear example of the moron in its natural habitat doing what is known as “the backpedal”.
How are you not so embarrassed that you can still post for now? If it were me being this foolish I’d just stop posting for a while until the thread had moved up with posts a bit and hope people just didn’t see it.
Just mine in anomalies, missions, combat sites they don’t come there.
There really only is one barge and one exhumer, and two more idiot traps per type.
Those two can easily fit a survey scanner simply because fitting them with 2/3 tanking mods or rigs already makes them a non-target unless you make it become personal. Either by being super AFK or by being annoying as a player, in which case it wouldn’t matter why you fly, it’d get ganked.
I was suggesting things for the attentive, engaged miner to be doing. If they want to fly one of the more easily gankable mining ships, that’s up to them. They will just need to be doing more of the other stuffs I suggested to stay alive.
Maybe you confused mining barges with freighters?
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