I am just coming back after 909 days off. Last time I went mining when I scanned the ore they had different qualities. Now the only difference seems to be and how much there is within a singular Rock.
Am I missing something or did they do away with ore qualities?
And if so is there any difference between mining the same Rock in high SEC or J space?
I am not the best at terminology but hopefully this make sense to someone. Any insight is greatly appreciated oh, thank you all!
Nope. 5% and 10% variants are still in the game. The 15% variants which briefly existed from moon mining have been removed (15% moon rocks still exist).
What might be happening is someone is running from belt to belt mining all the higher quality ores and leaving the rest.
wen i used to mine the compressed normal minerals had a bigger market for them to the point they were more valuable and liquid than the quality ones
duno nowadays