Oh, so you’re familiar with my workplace?
Wow, my ex also?
Oh, so you’re familiar with my workplace?
Wow, my ex also?
You said the W word and the D word in forums. Reported.
Not really.
Uhhh…Eve is not a government. So it’s not fascist. It’s a corporation, a private venue like a bar where the “rules” are enforced under “laws”
Those laws state the owner can ask anyone to leave or have them forcibly removed. There’s nothing political about it. The removed party can always go start their own bar.
No it isnt
Its how everything has always worked since society became a thing.
Right. In a market economy, you can have as much justice as you can afford. To some folks, this shows an ample sufficiency of justice.
There is everything political about someone claiming private property rights under public law. It is the essence of politics. In fact, the etymology of the word “property” under English law derives from an understanding of who was most proper to a thing, as ownership was understood in terms of competing rights in the public sphere. To own a thing, or person as it may have been, was to be “most proper” to it, of all folks in the wider society.
At it’s most basic, there can be no property without the communal oversight of law, and there can be no law without equality under law. This is why the thief (political or material) can only prosper in an honest an open society. Without the communal authority protecting him, he is just an animal on the run in the wilderness.
Everyone who ever wants to retain or exercise private power demands that public power support and underwrite their ambitions. That private power can exist without public support is the great lie of all banking.
I beg your pardon, but since when your personal feelings and likings became more important than will of this whole bunch of people to discuss subject they clearly are interested in? Are you entitled or something?
Did I say I cared one way or other? I only pointed out that blocking one player might not be enough and actually suggested leaving the channel might be a good idea.
Ofc, EVE being what it is you’re perfectly entitled to do anything you can get away with.
If your chat is filled with sewage, people will think your game/site/community is a sewer.
This is why “just ignore it” doesn’t really work very well.
Definition of “sewage” is very subjective. Some people will say that shallow chit-chat in chat channels is “sewage”, the other will say that all those nice normies discussing their happy social life IRL with their families, cute cats and talented children “are filing their hardcore pro-gamers chats with sewage”. You got it. I believe EULA/rules already forbid foul language, advocating genocide and spreading ultra-radical believes of any kind. That’s the only thing that could be really destructive. The rest are just people sharing opinions, that’s called freedom of speech. You don’t like them, then find some channel/corp which explictly forbids such talks.
Who cares about someone’s politics. Most people are morons anyway.
Just ignore it. Everyone has a right to an opinion. We can’t force people to adhere to the ‘one true doctrine’ either. (not fleet doctrines)
I love EvE in that it leaves moderation up to the individual. No nanny filters, no controlled speech, no one pure belief. They won’t be responsible for what YOU say or believe. Nor should they be. If I say something dumb, it’s because I said it, not because EvE failed to stop me from saying it. Welcome to having to deal with free individuals. Ignore the political zealot and do your own thing and you will be happier.
It would be absolutely the best thing ever if CCP would ban all real world political discussion from all chat channels including private chats. Instant permaban!
Yes let’s ban all left wing snarks in our channels,
Seriously this can never happen, LW Snarks are difficult to kill, if you don’t like someone’s comment find a locator agent and some friends and hunt them down like the dogs they are.
Channel: Jita local.
Offending commentor: Someone who never undocks.
Hunting that guy down seems like a pretty pointless venture.
That’s extremely inconvinient, I agree. You can’t even peacefully protest him to death like all those SJW righteous fighters struggling for everybody’s greater good. Except, of course, good of that one unlucky dude who dared to say something aren’t aligning well with their almost religious radical believes. But he deserved it anyway, for being so evil and probably even a nazi.
In the Family Guy episode “Road to Berlin” where Brian, Stewie and Mort the Jew go back in time to 1939, they have to dress up at one point as Germans to get past a guard. Mort, being a cartoon stereotype, keeps accidently giving himself away with words or phrases associated with American Jewish syntax and Brian and Stewie keep coughing over the slip to try and hide it. However, one word Mort uses is “Mensch” as in “He’s a good mensch”, which of course wouldnt be out of place in a psuedo-German conversation anyway, as far as I as an english speaker are aware.
Does this show the ignorance of Americans that a dialect thats now associated with one group is forgotten to have originated when they were part of another? Or is it a subtle double joke?
I don’t play games to talk about politics. Who does? If I run into people who won’t shut up on either side of U.S. politics, I note them and hunt them down in game. It’s sort of become my excuse for war deccing high-sec clowns for cheap and easy pvp fun. The political and moral preachers are never very good at actually playing the game. And they throw off a lot of tears when you go after them.
If they won’t undock, then you’ve already beaten them. So ignore and move on. I am working on a machine learning program to detect alts though. I’m not sure it will be okay to run it in real time, but the idea is that most people have some pretty unmistakable speech patterns. So training the model on logged transcripts should be allowed, and running it should also be allowed. It would at least tell you with some confidence if a person you were chatting with were an alt of some other person you have chatted with in the past.
Would be cool to get this in real time, and I have some ideas, but I want to implement first and submit to the GMs for a ruling before I get myself banned.
In any case, if you want to pursue the idea hard enough, there are ways to do so. I don’t think the trend towards forcing platforms to police speech is a good trend. If we demand that CCP protects us from speech we find unpleasant, they will respond in the only way possible: limiting a ■■■■-ton of speech. Same with calls for twitter and facebook to do the same.
What we accept and don’t accept and how we deal with it are things that we need to keep both within the law and under our control. We don’t need platforms to do this for us. If we ask them to, the results will be bad for everyone.
So let’s put on our big boy pants and go out and shoot the space ships that said the bad things to us, okay?
Maybe more than we realize, but members of particular groups probably also start sounding more alike as they all repeat the same old (or new) catchphrases and power words. I’d be more for a program that catches the guys using complete falsehoods to push their points. One particularly dishonest chap comes to mind, a pro-gun US type who cited how many mass shooting in how many years there had been in Australia as ultimate proof their gun ban/buyback program was useless. He just forgot to mention those numbers were from before the program with zero after it…
The other particularly dishonest populists just love the mass-shooting topic, using it as a cheap tool to “prove” their points appealing to simplest human fears and exploiting their lack of reasoning when they are in fear. Totally “forgetting” about such facts like in, say, Russia, where guns have been banned for decades (you only can buy hunting type of weapons, and can’t carry it for any other purposes, it’s completely against the law to even have it in your trunk with intention of protecting yourself in case anything happens - in case you’ll actually will have to use it and will succeed in shooting down an assailant, it by default will be classified as a first degree murder; as you carried the weapon with intent to use it - yup, totally retarded…oh, unless you are from Chechnya, of course, then you can carry it, even if it’s assault rifle, and shoot unarmed defenseless russian citizens on the streets, always a lot of fun ), though mass-shootings are much rare (still happen), the overall homicide rate is TWICE higher than in USA, despite all those weapons (up to heavy machine guns) States’ citizen have at their disposal and all those mass-shootings. They just kill each other on daily basis much often with knives, hammers, axes and fists.
They also totally “forget” to mention, that to kill a bunch of dudes you don’t need rifle, just a knife - what has been proved multiple times (for some reason, different asian nations usually see this type of mass murder). And of course they always forgetting to mention that number of victims of those mass-shootings is miserable percentage of victims of mundane cars accidents (personal cars ownership ban, anyone?).
They never remember that as experience of certain European countries show, with (without a doubt) help of a deity of a certain - the most peaceful - religion you can always find yourself a means to commit a mass murder, be it a AK-74 or already mentioned above personal 4-wheeled vehicle (I tell you, we must ban those weapons of mass-murder at last!)
They don’t care how foolish it all looks, as their main goal, in fact, is to establish another communist totalitarian slavery state, like lefties always do, in literally every country where they are allowed to take root in. And for that they need to achieve 2 main goals: remove freedom of speech and disarm the population. Thus we’ll see topics like that more and more often, along with incessant blabbering on how much safer your life will be without guns. You just need to trust the state, dude state is what is good for ya
I thought soldiers in the US were raised from the populace and so shouldnt be a threat to their citizenry. Even if they were a hunting rifle isnt going to do much to a M2A3 or an aircraft.
Im also unaware of any knives that can penetrate a cinderbock and go on to pass through anoyone who might be standing on the other side.
But you know narratives and all.