When you look at your personal ISK wallet there’s an overview button that gives you an infographic showing money going in and out of your account and what for. As someone who’s dyscalculic I can say confidently that this makes managing and understanding the flow of ISK much, much easier.
On the Corporate wallet however there’s no Overview option or any graphic. I’d find it really helpful if there was one. Is there a chance that this could be added in please @CCP_Aurora? Thanks.
When I look at the corporate wallet (and I’m the CEO for what it’s worth) I just see five options: Bills, Transactions, Market Transactions, Shares, Divisions and none of them show an infographic.
Fair point @Anderson_Geten, although I’m thinking that it can’t be that hard to have a graphic for each division (visible when you select the Divisions tab) and instead of the fairly dull offering that’s there at the moment.