I’m not being used much anymore, so I might as well see what kind of price I’d fetch.
Intended to be a JF pilot, but you could steer me in to any capital you want.
14+mil SP
in HS, Wallet in the positive, all remaps available, 125k skills unallocated
you can check out the rest here — https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Anice_Otsito
I’m sure I’ll make someone very happy
I’ll close the sale on Saturday with highest bid or a buyout of 18bil. I’m out of town for work, but as soon as I get in front of a computer, I can start the transfer.
if u can accept 17bil,plz let me know
Meet me in the middle at 17.5 and I can transfer tonight
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Im not in game, out of town for work, so just forums - whats up?
June 8, 2019, 5:09am
Easy, got a toon moving around atm won’t be able to buy for another day or so but can do 18b
Thats fine - I want to close it up tomorrow. First one with ISK ready, will get me
last bump - closing today
ISK and pm is sent to you ,plz start transfer
I’ll start the transfer as soon as I get back to the hotel.
ISK received, transfer started
September 7, 2019, 9:58pm
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