Jita under attack

They think they will suffer a one time deal where they lose revenue for a week while all 5 trade hubs are lagged out but make it up by the patch not getting implemented. If they were right about being able to stop the patch, this would make sense. What they don’t realize is the patch is a done deal, the numbers might not be what they are on the test server (So maybe a T1 miner might waste 7/8 instead of the proposed 1/2) but all these changed will be implemented in some form.

CCP could delete everybody in Jita, and nobody would care.


I hope that CCP starts just straight-up banning protesters. I would love to see this suddenly go in that direction. These people need a wake-up call to realize that they’re not living in a democracy, and that their priorities (focused on grinding out as much as they possibly can and throwing everything else to the wind) have been severely misplaced.

Burn Jita Protesters.


But the fireworks were so pretty!

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So does that mean Jita 44 is gone?! :open_mouth:

It’s just a game.

for once i agree with you

It’s a game that people have years of their lives invested in.


Yes, I noticed. :slight_smile:

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Null bears

Rorqs nerfed panic tell everyone everything got nerfed and take them to jita

Moves one jump over,

Oh things are still normal

This is just going to generate news buzz and get them extra subscriptions with the free advertising.

You’re just encouraging CCP. They’ll want to ■■■■ more things up, to provoke more news buzz.

Newer generations are masochists so they will love it regardless of how bad it gets.


I conducted a thorough analysis of the situation on my blog:



Never get between a grindbear and their isk, they’ll go apeshit if you do.


100% correct.

CCP’s main goal with all decisions, to generate free press…

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CCP is quite happy I am sure to have newsworthy events happen, it’s free publicity and advertising.

Back in the old days you had to pay big for a newspaper spread to advertise.

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…When the Jita Riots first took place in 2011 as EVE players protested CCP’s actions after years of broken promises and neglect, the capsuleers used weapons to attack the monument outside of the primary hub station. Back then, well, everyone was capable of using weapons in some capacity.

But today, the protest is being conducted by miners. And using mining lasers and strip miners on the monument just doesn’t seem to carry the same symbolism as launching cruise missiles at it, and quite frankly might send a confusing message to CCP, who might not be certain whether the peaceful industrialists are angry at the game’s current state, or that their bots simply malfunctioned and mistakenly targeted the statue on the assumption that it was a rock of Veldspar after undocking.

This is Destiny Corrupted reporting to you live from the scene of the protests, because there isn’t much else to do after your Twitch titty stream gets shut down. Back to you at the studio, Bob.


Fake news.


Problem → reaction → solution

Manufactured crisis

Reptilians I tell you, Reptilians!

Hmmm, I suppose I’ll pay more attention when CCP introduces 10 new regions to the game.