Joint Harvesting annihilated me

Hi all

I was mining in Eystur and a couple of JOnt HArvesting annihilated my Mackinaw in minutes. They blocked me, preventing any movement and destroyed me. But is it normal?

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But I have not attacked anyone nor have I ever helped anyone attack them. I was there mining and they attacked me

Doesn’t matter if you’ve never attacked them, it’s also based on your standings.


The mining / industrial ships react to hostile players on grid with them. They consider anyone who attacks them or has poor standings as hostile.

The mining ships / industrial ships will warp off to a deadspace safespot when hostiles are on grid. They can be scanned down with combat probes.

When mining ships / industrial ships see hostiles they will call in a response fleet that will warp on grid in a few seconds.

The response fleet will attack the ship that they deem hostile and all who help the attacker with remote assistance modules.

What kind of standings? Because i’ve no standing (no bad or good) with Joint Harvesting, only bad standing with Amarr empire.

Joint Harvesting is a member of Amarr though.

You can try skilling up Diplomacy of the social skill tree to improve your effective standings to hostile factions, or bribe USIA for Amarr Standings powerlevel, though faction standings is more expensive then corporation standings. If you’re positive to Anmatar Mandate, Khanid Kingdom or Caldari, doing storylines for them will increase your standings to Amarr, at the expense of Thukker, Minmatar and Galente standings. You can also run the tedious and boring Sisters of Eve epic arc, which can improve a single standing w/o negative side effect… or bribe USIA to do it for you :stuck_out_tongue:

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OK However, it seems absurd to me that an Amarr corporation is in Minmatar territory with impunity and attacks without anyone intervening.

It’s one of these annoying, barely explained and stupidly designed NPC mechanics added in the recent years. You’ll just have to live with it and make sure you spend more time not playing the game but reading guides and watching videos on third-party websites to prevent stepping into the next non-explained non-intuitive death-trap. Good luck. :rofl:


Ccp has always made it so capsuleers figure things out. Thats why a lot of stuff isnt explained by ccp but players

Maybe thats one of the reasons CCP couldn’t ever get a playerbase comparable to other multiplayer online games. Amongst other things of course, it’s just part of a larger picture. And it isn’t a good thing. Because it’s not the individual player that finds things out, it has became more a following guides thing, which essentially removes all that finding out yourself. Because in most cases you simply die in seconds even in ships that would otherwise be considered well-built for the general HighSec NPC-Combat environment.

I have guided so many new players during their first weeks in EVE and one of the most often reasons for them to finally stop playing was the fact that they constantly needed to study guides and videos, EVE felt like a minefield full of unexplained deathtraps that can remove hours of game time in 3 seconds in a way they don’t even understand or couldn’t see coming. EVE could do a lot better if they would remove all those annoying insta-death scenarios and work on a system of slowly-increasing difficulty, one where the individual player doesn’t feel the need to watch a video before entering a site, but has the chance to explore that site, try it - and even if he dies, dies slowly enough to realize what he did wrong. But thats not the case for many of those completely stupidly designed mechanics. Talking about Diamond Rats, Triglavian Camps, Drifter BS and Doomsday Reinforcements here… It’s simply nonsense to have a well-equipped, well-flown Capsuleer ship die in seconds without a single chance to do anything, if he hasn’t read a guide and brought a specific setup for that specific site.