[JS] UserScript - Show Corporation / Alliance

any errors? it surely can be used in the theme, i think the issue might be when its loaded

Console is only telling:

TypeError: Argument 1 of MutationObserver.observe is not an object.

Unfortunately I have only basic knowledge of all that programming stuff :frowning:

instead of

Nope, that does not do anything, that error messege stays the same, the rest no work either.
But I have seen some interesting:

  1. The original script does work in Chrome, but only on one User correct, on others only the EveWho Link beside the Name
  2. On Admin Chars not even the EveWho Link works, as they get in Link: User_Name is an admin
  3. On Firefox not even one thing is showing up

Strange stuff :smiley:

If you like, you can have a look at it on https://forums.99spaces.com/ and register, I am using Alliance Auth with open Discourse service for everyone. The script is running on original Version with dark standard theme.
The Forum is in building, so please donĀ“t expect much content :slight_smile:

your users are not using their ingame names eh?

Ah, I think you point me right. They have the inGame Names, but, when having 2 Names, they get that underline in between _ , so thats why only that one char was working, at he has just one name :slight_smile:
So when changing the name without _ I get at least the evewho-link, but not the corp and alliance details.

i updated the script since it broke bc of discourse changing sommething, the new version should work now, still requires the real name and not with spaces replaced by underscores

Yes, works again. Thank you for again fixing first party deficiencies.

And it is stalling yet again.

it works for meā€¦?

I reinstalled it several times this morning and in the 2 days and left the tooltip open for several minutes but the corp/alliance info does not load.

Now I closed the forum tab completely, reopened it and it seems to work again.

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This script is again not working. Regardless of how often I completely close the tab, which triggered some reloading feature in the past, the corporation and alliance info does not appear in the tool tip any more.

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This script again stopped working. Please fix it if possible because CCP is still to incompetent to provide this information themselves.