July 2018 Release - General Feedback

When did CCP introduce the percentage display on level 5 indexes? :open_mouth: That’s worth a huge praise to whoever did this!

Improved the fetching of information from the server for the contracts search to no longer cause “Slow Down!” warnings.

Thank you, works like a charm now :heart_eyes:

AWESOME EVENT! :+1: :ok_hand:
Dawn of Liberation was one of your finest event constructions yet. The method of use on these event sites & how we were able to work them privately…some of the best game mechanics you’ve put forth in an Event. Due to griefers and toxic players, the events until now have been slightly fun but have ended up being troll fodder. This event was perfectly constructed and offered a great way to enjoy the events without worrying about every negative nerd trying to inflict their needs on you. KUDOS to launching what I feel was one of your finest events yet. The mechanics used in this should be a wonderful template for further events. Thanks for the very fun and lucrative content!!


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