Just a thought, Eve Online and Satisfactory working together

Reddit is a disease that has now spread to every forum. Will be a pandemic soon.

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Sorry about that, I shouldn’t have used your thread to call out Thork.

I just wanna hear people’s thoughts on the topic at hand…Satisfactory and Eve Online, working together.

I’d like to hear your own thoughts on it first though.

You already did. Satisfactory sends the PI up to Customs Offices and we in Eve pick them up.

Nice and simple.

If they assimilate the two together I will subscribe without complaint.

Yours is a good idea that needs a CSM’s attention so they can talk to the vikings about it.

Where’s the CSM when you need one?!?

But whats the point?

I didn’t, after noticing many mistakes and realising it was AI generated nonsense I disregarded whatever chatgpt had to say about it, which is why I asked you for your thoughts.

Sounds like a nice concrete idea.

I do however think PI already is very complex already for a niche activity within EVE, making it even more complex by adding an entire game within it won’t really enhance EVE’s core gameplay, I fear.

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Well, I play both games, so instead of nobody liking PI and thinking of it as a chore, It gets moved to a already polished game where PI is the whole point.

I like PI and think it can use some enhancements.

It’s a bit much to put another entire game within it though.

So you’re asking for total integration?

Oof yeah no… not gonna happen

Total integration is more of what ChatGPT came up with. In Satisfactory you send up materials to a space station and you keep doing that. I’m saying what if that stuff going to the space station is our PI coming up to our Customs Offices.

PI needs a LOT of attention and it looks like we finally got some improvements with the Templates.

PI is working fine though and because of the templates a lot easier (and likely less profitable) to set up.

Building something more like satisfactory within EVE would take a lot of development time to replace something that’s already working fine, time that could probably better be spent on spaceships instead.

I am not saying build something like it within Eve, just have them work together. As they already are, separate.

Don’t make the mistake of hashing it out too much with these old folks. You asked for opinions and we gave you some but what’s more important is CCP’s opinion through a CSM member.
These posters would have you twist your brain to mush for nothing. They have no sway whatsoever. No need to waste your time with them.


Looks like the idiots are over here too, lol


It’s whatever, it’s clear no actual conversation about this is going to take place. I probably would have better luck on Reddit to be honest.

Can’t discuss with people whose minds are closed tighter than a crab’s buttocks. But you did what you set out to do. You wrote up your idea ( ChatGPT helped but that’s what it’s for ) and presented it on the forum for someone to read and take it up to CCP. The next steps are out of your hands. Be happy that you could at least do that.
And so now… on to the next great idea :slightly_smiling_face:
Take care.