Can’t discuss with people whose minds are closed tighter than a crab’s buttocks. But you did what you set out to do. You wrote up your idea ( ChatGPT helped but that’s what it’s for ) and presented it on the forum for someone to read and take it up to CCP. The next steps are out of your hands. Be happy that you could at least do that.
And so now… on to the next great idea
Take care.
A lot of the bitter vets turned forum warriors here are just closed-minded curmudgeons who are stuck in their own little static worlds and they believe Eve should never evolve beyond what they feel Eve should be. These are the usual suspects. You’ll figure out who they are if you haven’t already. Just block 'em and don’t engage with 'em. You’ll never get a true, honest exchange of ideas out of those trolls so like others have said don’t waste your time trying.
Corporate speak nonsense is all I read from the OP… seems like an out-sourced disaster. The players know more about this game and how to improve it than anyone not playing for years. All that needs to happen is CCP start listening to the right people and back-tracking all these bad ideas that flopped.
idk what satisfactory is… if anything I think CCP should work with the creators of Factorio. and use that as a basis for PI or at the least, in some way with Vanguard if they go to using PI with Vanguard.
That’s a great idea, Satisfactory is like Factorio except that it is 1st person and not top-down.