Kirin Fits Feedback Please

Moving up from a Bantam, and I’ve got three fits, two alliance and one personal. But before I buy the the hulls and and the rest of the stuff, I’d be very appreciative of some feedback.

1) [Kirin, *Kirin EHP] (Personal) 14,581 ehp and 988 m/s
Damage Control II
Vigor Compact Micro Auxiliary Power Core

Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Small F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
Medium Shield Extender II

Small Remote Shield Booster II
Small Remote Shield Booster II
Small Remote Shield Booster II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer II
Small Ancillary Current Router I

Warrior II x1
Nanite Repair Paste x50
Navy Cap Booster 400 x22

2) [Kirin, Kirin: Logi] (Alliance) 9,501 ehp and 2585.8 m/s
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II

Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Cap Recharger II
Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender
EM Shield Amplifier II

Small Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster
Small Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster
Small Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster

Small Capacitor Control Circuit II
Small Capacitor Control Circuit II

Warrior II x1
Nanite Repair Paste x50

3) [Kirin, Kirin: Logi 10MN] 9,328 ehp and 2068 m/s
IFFA Compact Damage Control
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II

Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Small F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster
EM Shield Amplifier II

Small Remote Shield Booster II
Small Remote Shield Booster II
Small S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster

Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Ancillary Current Router I

Warrior II x1
Nanite Repair Paste x50
Navy Cap Booster 400 x20

The first has monster EHP, but slow. The most like my Bantams.
I’m not particularly fond of the MWD fit 'cause sig bloom.
I like the speed, but it seems like it’d be hard to control even pulsing given the 23.23 sec align.


Nice fit, its going to die to a gatecamp reguardless of what you do. Everything eventually dies.

That doesn’t really further a discussion about these Kirin fits, does it?

You should use warrior 1s, its cheaper to replace when it dies. There i helped.

Brilliant. Thanks.

The question seems to come down to:

Do you use a

  • 1MN afterburner
  • 5MN microwarp drive
  • 10MN (oversized) afterburner

on your logi frigate.

Each of these options has some benefits and downsides. 5MN is fastest to navigate and keep up, but a MWD makes you a big target. 1MN may be slower, but easy to fit, low capacitor drain and makes it harder for enemies to hit you. 10MN makes it even harder for enemies to hit you, but sacrifices agility and fitting space.

What is it you want to be doing with the Kirin?

Are you trying to catch friends in random ships and keep them alive?
Are you fighting in an organized alliance fleet setting?

I think all three choices could be a good choice depending on the circumstances.

It’s likely that if your alliance wants either a 5MN or a 10MN they want the Kirin to be part of a fleet of which all ships fly at around that speed, so then the lower agility of a 10MN or bigger sig of the 5MN is something for the Fleet commander to keep in mind.

I’m not fond of regular size afterburners for logi ships in a random standing fleet setting. As a logi ship you will likely try to chase allies in order to save them with repairs, but with something as slow as a 1MN you may not be able to keep up with the other frigates that try to tackle fast enemy ships, because your fast allies will go much faster with their MWD than you.
I also do not think an oversized propmod is a good general choice, more something for special situations when you’re trying to counter a specific setup.
5MN has high top speed and good agility, which is great if you want to reposition yourself. If you get too close to the fight to get shot at you can always choose to turn it off for some cycles to reduce your size while the friends you heal deal with the enemy.

If I look through a few dozen recent Kirin kills on zkillboard I see that the vast majority uses 5MN, very few 1MN and no 10MNs.

If you want you could try your first (1MN) fit, but if you feel like you cannot keep up to give people repairs when they need it, try the 5MN.


Your solution is pretty simple: Since you never fly solo in a Kirin, the fit you use entirely depends on what type of gang/fleet you need to support.

Some concepts tank by keeping range with superior speed, in which case your sig-radius is less important than your speed. You will want to be able to catch up with your gang and not fall behind (better: always have your gang between yourself and the enemy, so you need to be even a bit faster than your gang to be able to position yourself). Often these gangs are designed to run an MWD almost permanently and kite or realign, rewarp etc. during battle. Fit an 5MN MWD to be able to keep up in speed and turnrate and always hide “behind” your own gang by having more range and repping from behind.

Some concepts tank by overpropping (100MN cruisers) and fighting midrange. Close enough to use high dps weapon systems but still well out of web/scram range. They will have bad inertia, but the FC will call if the propmod should be off or on - use a 10MN AB yourself and you will fit in well. Fire the 10MN if you get yellowboxed, even if the others in your gang still have orders to keep it off. But beware: pay attention to any alignment commands, you will have a very slow turn rate.

Last but not least, brawling concepts move little, warp in, hard tackle and stand their ground. You will want to have max buffer and an 1MN AB to sigtank/counter webs.


We’re small gangs mostly O-plexing the Gals. (I love calling them Gals.) After I posted, I too looked at the zkillboard and saw mostly MWD’s. I also talked to a couple of my corp mates, not logi pilots though, and they suggested the MWD as well for the same reasons you pointed out. Thank you for you input Gerard. I’ll start with the MWD and if I’m not happy, I can always switch and pick up some more tank.

Happy Hunting.

Thanks Syz, I’ve never been fleeted up with more than 8 corp mates and getting to them fast, in the dps boys eyes, is paramount. You’ve helped, along with Gerard’s comment, to move my thinking to the MWD.

Happy Hunting.

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