Known Issue: Daily Login Rewards 150k SP Issue

What does the fix entail?

Lower your expectations. If you pay real money for this game you end up expecting too much.

any news about this topic?

Update 5/20 12:20: A fix is scheduled for this issue this coming Friday at downtime. Everyone who received the SP as an item incorrectly will have the SP placed in their redemption queue. You will still see the unusable SP item in your inventory, please just leave this in place for now - this will be taken care of after the weekend.


Please don’t destroy it. Instead rename it “scam skill points” or something alike, with a description full of irony like “on this day CCP made a fatal mistake, delivering an item that could not be consumed. Which ended up destroying the whole new eden cluster”.
I know people complain a lot, but you create a good experience by acknowledging mistakes and mocking yourself, especially when people have exaggerated the issue. There are already a lot of lore items that have irony and that just adds… depth ? to the game.
On the other hand, if the fix is already ready, well…




Thanks for the update

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Its already unusable so You could leave it as a scam item specially designed for scammers to scam people.

Only change name to something more fitting like: Shady looking 150k skillpoint injector.

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If, in the current situation, having 150,00 SP delayed is the biggest problem in your life, you should be truly thankful.

Oh, and HTFU


What does that mean for those who purchased the items from other players?

If for example someone would have redeemed one of the 150k SP items from the rewards, then had their alt character give the 150k item to their main, and then purchased a third one from contract?

Then they purchased a CLEARLY bugged item with no reasonable expectation to be able to redeem it on any character other than the original.

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Or perhaps they CLEARLY purchased SP that was given out as a tradeable item, since it could be contracted, but it was bugged in that it couldn’t be activated, as must CLEARLY have been the original intention?

And those who sold and contracted the CLEARLY bugged item (according to you), they should then have the ISK removed from the profits they got from selling this CLEARLY bugged item (while still getting the SP to their characters after the fact)?

The amount of hypocrisy is real.

you are a special kind of something. a “bug” means it was never intended to happen we were never intended to obtain the item into our hangar. so thusly anyone who sold a “bugged” skill point can" is obviously a skilled scammer and made off with their isk and probably their sp too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, so the 150k SP i contracted to my alt will just become a dead item then, and I will just receive the 150k SP on both toons?

No hypocrisy: the item was obviously bugged since it had no way to be used. There is zero guarantee that it will become usable. Some players chose to chance their money on it, without any reasonable expectation that they were assured value for their isk.

Technically, it’s an EULA violation to trade it since it is bugged (as players selling unintended objects are exploiting a bug for personal gain), but I doubt CCP will actually penalize anyone for selling/buying them beyond potential value loss in isk from the useless object. They might revert all the sales contracts/hypernode offers, but that would be a courtesy action.


And that kind of proves the point of the hypocrisy. For some reason, several seem to advocate a black and white and cookie clear scenario where those who purchased the 150k SP item deserve what’s coming to them in losing out on the ISK/SP, while at the same time it’s apparently fine that others sold those 150k SP items while retaining both the ISK and SP. Even though, as you mentioned, it could be considered as a breach of the EULA (and bannable? o.O).

In both cases it’s based on people knowing and understanding what the actual intention of CCP were for the item. And that wasn’t made clear until close to an hour after DT, when CCP posted on twitch that the items were not working as indeed, being redeemed as an item rather than being directly applied to the unallocated skillpoints of the characters that redeemed them.

That also requires people to find that information on their own behalf. It’s not a reasonable expectation for players to keep a constant eye on Twitch to understand what’s the intent of items, gameplay or mechanics in the game.

So again, it’s more than plausible that people purchased the SP in game in good faith. Just as it is plausible that people sold the item in good faith. Since it could in fact be sold. And it’s also plausible that the item should have been able to activate, just like small and large skill injectors are both traded and activated as items.

The issue is, that if CCP decides that they will just apply the SP based on what characters redeemed them, to those characters, they will effectively punish those who bought it, while rewarding those who sold it. Even when it was CCP’s ■■■■ up to begin with.

So some players will have to pay for CCP’s mistake, while others will benefit from it. And that’s ■■■■■■ up regardless of the original intention, the known intent or the supposed intent of the item in question.

What CCP should do (have done?), is to make the item be activated. That way, those who sold it got the ISK from it, but not the SP, and those who bought it obviously lost the ISK from buying it, but get the extra SP.

How that simple, yet fair, piece of logic is so hard to comprehend for some people, is unfathomable.

And CCP, since they’ve had a whole week to fix it, certainly should strive to implement the best solution for their players (customers), based on what is in the beginning, middle, and end, their fault - and not of the fault of the players who do what they can, with what they are given.


today i received my 150k SP … its working as intended , gj on the fix CCP :smiley:

its verrrry simple to comprehend - some people gambled to buy bugged items to gain lots of very cheap SP for their 80 mil+ characters, now they want to prove at forums their rightness to claim their cheap sp, but that wont happen.

End of story.


What if I buy POS sticks knowing full well they are going to be removed?

I want to find out what happens, but If I know they are going to eventually be pulled, should I lose the sticks and the money?