Known Issue: Daily Login Rewards 150k SP Issue

Ok so I just had to wait, thank you very much?

Thank you very much :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

Scroll up and read the 383 messages on this thread already. Fix is probably coming, but don’t hold your breath.

I saw it in the first message off,
thank you.

Thank you devs, I know you guys took a lot of ■■■■, but don’t give up

Still waiting for the fix. Where are my hard earned skill points? I had to trash dozens of blueprints to get them!


:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
:woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

i know, irony^^

Even harder was to ignore all of those useless boosters…

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Hi CCP_Aurora, I still dont have anything redeemable as expected.

And to little surprise, CCP screwed up trying to fix their screw up.

Every account that had redeemed the skill points and instead got the 150k SP item, now has 150k SP in their redeem queue.

Which means that those who sold their 150k SP items both get to keep the ISK they got from it, and the SP as well.

Congrats on being incompetent, CCP.

The only right decision.

Too bad for those who fall for SCAM.

I am sorry to tell you that this issue is resolved .
I was glad to read every day the long laments of my fellow players .
But all good thing must come to an end …

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Oh, my dear friend, it is not over yet, the people will be upset about scam for a few more weeks :smile:

A scam based on what some claimed to be an obvious bug/exploit? Hmm. Questionable.

Again, like I said before… you don’t punish one half and reward the other. That’s some crappy CRM decision making on CCP’s behalf.

But obviously you lack the brainpower to conceive that simplicity.

Why are you obsessed with punishing people?

I understand it perfectly and find this solution better than any other.

It would be too good if you would take all the SP reward for the main from your alts and others. if you only thought about it for half a milisecond you are an idiot.

Human nature

I’ve never advocated that having people pull several 150k SP items from alts and activate them on their mains with 80+ mil SP would be a good idea per say.

But the fact that CCP decided that some people will be punished and have to pay for what is entirely CCP’s fault, and others will be rewarded (150k SP + 300+ mil ISK) based on CCP screwing up, is completely ■■■■■■ up.

The best two alternatives was to either let those who sold the SP items keep the ISK and those who bought it keep the SP - or - reverse all trades. No one gets to keep the ISK from selling it, no one gets to keep the SP they bought. The latter is obviusly the preferred solution.

But CCP decided to be both lazy, unjust and stupid, and go with neither. Once again, causing some people to have to pay for CCP’s screw up, while rewarding others.

Since you’re actually claiming that this was ‘the only right decision’, you’re either one or several of the following:

  1. Daft
  2. Someone who sold their SP and got to keep both the ISK and SP
  3. A CCP fanboy who blindly defends whatever CCP is doing no matter how retarded it is
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bla bla bla long text…

Bug was fixed after a few hours. Items could only be found if you owned an item yourself.

Only those who actively wanted to ABuse it bought it, they should be punished (which happens because they don’t get ISK back), those who sold it are not to blame, as long as item is sellable it can be sold. Nowhere did it say that you get the SP. So it’s your own fault for those who hoped to get a cheap SP.

PS: I’ve read your text now.

no i am the one who just waited 3 hours and as long as no reward has been activated. You could have read further up when it started.

So you’re just daft then. Noted.