I landed out of emergency warp 45 AU from the keepstar (was tethered at the moment of crash). That’s kind of ■■■■ that happens beyond the ability of TiDi to handle the things. All in all it worked a lot better than crashes in pre-TiDi times.
apparently yes
Largest online multiplayer fights is actually held by Planetside 2. No lag, no crashes too. CCP have a long way to go to catch up with the big boys in terms of large fights.
well there goes that isk and hard work thanks a lot CCP
We’re not even two months in and you’re bitching about ISK already? My dude…
Planetside 2’s largest ever fight involved a total of 1,158 players, that’s nothing compared to B-R’s 7,548, or 9-4’s 6,142. Eve currently holds the World Record for largest video game battle in history.
Has anyone blamed Brisc yet?
According to comrade Brisc: nothing is happening in Fountain.
Bragging about being saved by a server meltdown??? Really??? woooow… general iq level fail
not just this keepstar but also the rest of a region and a couple hundred more keepstars
are you making sense at all here?
No clue what you are saying.
Might be special goon logic. dunno.
prolly banking on this happpening for them on all KS grids. who knows.
Hahahahahahahaha that is hilarious. 100 v 100 in planetside 2 results in people spawning 30cm in front of you. Great fun to play like that.
Its so funny seeing all u guys cry and complain as if goons are in the wrong here, Whenever its been u on the opposite side however I’ve personally witnessed yal even try random smartbomb in space in hope of crashing the server but failing so badly, and ccp obviously don’t seem to care much about that rule of creating tidi on purpose as they have kinda watched this too and done nothing.
Haha so many tears. See you in delve
nomnomnom pubbie tears