Are you suggesting it’s acceptable to people to continue the war for months, grinding or trying to grind keepstars and have the server nodes crash time and time again at 2700-3k players?
As to the car manufacturers analogy - no one needs to threaten, Companies like Ford made too crappy automobiles and people stopped buying them - their pickups and trucks are whats left according to those who follow the car industry - but the analogy stops there (if there ever was one).
In the case of cars we have almost limitless options - when it comes to EVE we have NO other option.
We have to hope and pray and beg for CCP to fix issues we feel are “burning”.
That was the whole point or majority of the incentive for the CSM institution I would have thought, was it not? But here we’re facing a problem where many of you (probably correctly) state that the problem cannot be fixed at hardware level, CCP’s previous statements on this topic states that they will do nothing to correct the outcome of server node crash related issues - and so we are left hoping that they will one day budge on the timer-time issue, since we all know this will not be the last time a server crashes.
So as long as CCP refuses to even TRY to rectify the situation at the proper level by at least increasing the timer or something , and a fix or the problem cant be solved or any obvious flaw and fault can be found anywhere else - then this current war will at some point grind to a complete halt, stop entirely - and thousands of players will be pretty pissed off.
And yea, they will probably wish to show their displeasure and create some consequence for CCP IF they cannot get their problems fixed or improved - that’s simply a basic human craving.
And so as anyone can see - the ONLY way they can send CCP a message that actually has any kind of real impact on CCP will be to cancel a subscription or two for a month or whatever.
It’s not even a hard thing to do or unreasonable - most of us have gone on holiday or something or several times during the past years forgotten to renew an alt or two in the process - but If players get series of incentives to do it to show their displeasure - and still get the feeling nothing is done to rectify a problem even though there are easy solutions available…
So ok, scream “threats” all you want - the conclusion here is simple pure logic and basic human behavior - if you leave people no other option and no other outlet for their frustration, why would you
be surprised or condescending of their choice of response?
It’s as laughable to be condescending of a specific type of response as it is to not expect it when you yourself have made absolutely CERTAIN you will get them.
So your assumption / interpretation that I’ve “threatened” with anything is just that: convenient but obtuse strawman usage - I havent - I’ve just stated simple fact - piss people off long enough and you will probably get some results, and limit their access to respond down to a single avenue, and thats what you get. btw - According to some blackout made more people leave/unsub than CCP had anticipated - at any rate we saw a lot of attempts at inticing people back afterwards. Do we really need to revisit all of that all over again? Does CCP really actually need to loose money for months every time before they fix problems that so directly impact gameplay, storylines, etc ?
I mean - EVERYONE can see that if this keeps happening more than once or twice more - the whole war will stop! People will not bother playing in the war anymore if their victories are literally STOLEN from them under their noses after tons and tons of hours and effort have been laid down just to get to the fights. Not to mention the real aggravation people who only have limited timeslots to play etc. will feel.
But yea - like my previous antagonist/opponent in here - you too are probably in no shortage of finding people who will pretend you’re somehow in the right and I’m somehow just silly that doesn’t just accept that now all of a sudden just a few thousand can crash the server, even if Ive been playing since Saranen, M-OEE and all the others that didnt crash and didnt save any Keepstar so it’s a lesson in futility trying to argue something logical here - the human need to smear and ridicule is way stronger than their drive and craving for logic, sanity or anything close to rational analysis.
So yeah, “Uncle”, I give up - I’m probably just a childish “pubbie” that “threatened” to unsub an account".
Sure , I should just start enjoying server crashes, losing all Keepstar fights where I join the attacking side, and accepting that the server nodes will crash every time we pass 2900 in system.
That’s how you suppose EVE will gain popularity and strength economically from now on is it?
If CCP is anywhere close to you in their analysis, I truly fear for the next 5 -10 years and immediate future of this great game.