[KYBERNAUTS] Noemata and Prayers of the Kybernauts


Oh really:

Fears Grow of Huge Losses of Life in Komo System as Triglavian Invaders Land in “Vast Numbers” on Many Planets

Evacuation Attempts in Final Liminality Systems Increasing as Triglavian Response to Civilian Flights Assessed as “Erratic and Indifferent”

Chaos and Resistance in Urhinichi Continues as Heavily-Populated Worlds and Industrial Colonies Come Under Increasing Triglavian Control

“Evacuation Attempts in Final Liminality Systems Increasing as Triglavian Response to Civilian Flights Assessed as “Erratic and Indifferent”” Work on your reading skills idiot, Erratic and indifferent means that they may shoot you if they deem you to be a threat otherwise you are free to go…


No, that’d be consistent and deliberate. Erratic means inconsistent. Not the same every time. You know, like, they may shoot you, they may not, and there’s no way to tell why they’ll choose one or the other at any given time.

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