Launcher crashes after today's update(SteamPlay Linux)

I’ve been running EVE through wine using the Windows installer/launcher for years (2015), every now and then a bug like this will stop it from working…

Currently running:

  • ArchLinux
  • Nvidia vulkan dkms
  • wine-staging 6.2-1
  • msvcp140_1 override
  • wine patch 199525
  • vcrun2019
  • d3dx9 - as a backup
  • dxvk
  • libstrangle - vsync only available at interval 1 for nvidia prime sync setups at 144hz/fps for my panel… gets a bit hot when running 3 clients at 144fps and works around window freezing issues in wine under dxvk and prime sync
  • EveOnline Windows Launcher

With the following start command:

NODEVICE_SELECT=1 DXVK_HUD=0 DXVK_STATE_CACHE=0 DXVK_LOG_LEVEL=none WINEESYNC=1 WINEDEBUG=-all WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/Software/eve-dxvk strangle 30:20 -k wine64 /home/username/Software/eve-dxvk/drive_c/EVE/eve.exe

Launcher broke today after updating for me. I’ve tested on ArchLinux wine-staging 5.22 through to 6.2-1 all refused to start the new launcher, reverting to an older launcher works fine if you cancel the update quick enough.

Overriding the msvcp140_1 dll in winecfg got the launcher to show Failed checking GUI version error page, and when setting wine to debug level “all” the following network error printed out to the point my terminal lost any history:

039c:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 0E0CD318, 17C5DB08
039c:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 0E0CD318, 17C5DB08
039c:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 0E0CD318, 17C5DB08
039c:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 0E0CD318, 17C5DB08
039c:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 0E0CD318, 17C5DB08

As a few have mentioned a patch is now available for wine, however you need to know how to build it which isn’t for every linux user, wine can take a while to build and you’ll need to combine both 32bit and 64bit. Patch details:

For anyone running Linux+wine+windows-launcher on an ArchLinux based distro i’ve compiled a quick patched version, alternatively review and use the PKGBUILD if you want to run a makepkg -sri yourself:

Obviously review and use at your own risk. Feel free to hit me up about running eve on linux and any fixes/patches you know, trying to compile a new up-to-date guide.

Personally i’d rather stick with the windows launcher and fix any issues with Wine / DXVK etc unless the game was to release a linux native version entirely (not just the launcher). As a software dev I can completely understand why the ccp devs wouldn’t want to support running their software under wine, however it would be nice if they could setup a testing community program with a group of us. I’d be more than happy to report bugs to Wine and help liaise and fix issues. I dislike having to reboot into windows just to fire Eve up while trying to work on projects in the evening :sweat_smile:

Edit 1 - overriding msvcp140_1 not needed after checking on original prefix with patched wine and no override.

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